Bitcou, Make NEM outputable

Hello guys, I have been NEM Hodler for a long time and love the project NEM.

My suggestion is that you could list NEM at Bitcou for free. I know the person responsible for this at Bitcou. I have with him that also already addressed whether one could list NEM there also.

With Bitcou one can buy as well as everything with crypto currencies. In Germany are a quantity partnerships present, food chains, drugstore markets etc. One can buy really extremely much there with crypto currencies.

I wrote it equal why there is no NEM listed there or why one cannot make with NEM that. Then he told me that none of NEM had written to him.

Who is responsible for this. As said listing is as good as free and there are really many possibilities available to make crypto outputable.

I could establish the contact. The partner of Bitcou is already waiting :))

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I have chatted with Helly earlier and even checked out Bitcou. This is a legit project and I’d encourage the NEM Foundation people to assign this to the right person to get this forward. Doesn’t cost money to “list” there. Please help @kauppalahti @jason.lee and/or others. Thanks :+1:

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Thank you for your answer. Did not know that it is even free the better. that’s a really good chance please contact who from the admins I know the operator

OK Thank you, I hope the one announces soon here that initiates this in the way as I said it is not a stock market and listing is free. It really would not be a big effort to let the lists. My friend who is in charge of Bitcou asks me already how it looks now.

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