Please help, i can’t transfer my bittrex xem tokens to my wallet client, it says Invalid in bittrex. I put my wallet address and a message in bittrex and it won’t send it. What is happening.
Please someone help me i bought 300$ worth in XEM coins and i think they are stucked in bittrex, bittrex don’t answer my emails yet.
Did you figure out how to resolve this issues?
I can confirm that I am having same issues.
Ok so bittrex came back to me with a e-mail.
I need to do a transaction first to make my address public.
So now I am in a predicament. I want to send money to my wallet but I can’t because I have not done a transaction as of yet.
So how on earth am I going to do that.
Could some send me any XEM from there wallet, just to activate my account.
Ok so someone sent me 1 Xem to my wallet and still I could not transfer from Bittrex. I could not even transfer from Bittrex to the person who sent me the 1 XEM.
So I reopened a support ticket with Bittrex.
Let see what they say.
ok I can see your address in the NEM Blockchain
So hopefully Bittrex can send your XEM’s now
Ok so I am not sure of the actual steps that seems to solve this issues.
Might be that my wallet needed to be activated or something by doing a transaction. (nor sure if this is the case)
This I did realize. When doing a withdrawal one need to enter Message and Address and Amount.
So Amount is self explanatory
Address is your XEM address example NCVV5F-NU6AF5-ZNEMWH-YNRGY2-2TV64G-OQC243-ZXVG
And then Message must seem to be NCVV5FNU6AF5ZNEMWHYNRGY22TV64GOQC243ZXVG.
When I typed in " Transfer from Bittrex " OR “BT tranfer” etc the transaction valued, but when using my account without the “-”, it seems to go through no problem.
Transaction was done under 2 minutes. Quite impressive.
In bittrex, please don’t put any Message in the message field when you want to withdraw from bittrex, just put the amount of NEM you want to send and your NEM wallet address. It worked for me, the problem is when you add a message in bittrex. They have a problem with that i think, just don’t put any message in the message field when withdrawing.
This worked like a charm for me. Thanks!
n bittrex, please don’t put any Message in the message field when you want to withdraw from bittrex, just put the amount of NEM you want to send and your NEM wallet address. It worked for me, the problem is when you add a message in bittrex. They have a problem with that i think, just don’t put any message in the message field when withdrawing.
This works. Thanks