Brain Wallets in 2.0.13?

How are things working for brain wallets in 2.0.13?

Brain wallets are now disabled. @mizunashi we resign from using brainwallets and this is final decision?

But what are the ones supposed to do that do HAVE a brain wallet?

You can simply:

  • import your wlt file and provide password protecting wlt file or
  • create private key wallet from your private key backup

What will that mean for the person that’s investing longterm? I mean, the dude without .wlt and private key that’s trying to open his brain wallet in 2020?

Edit: I do have a brain wallet and think they are fantastic when not used by complete idiots. So, personally I think there should be a version that has support for brain wallets. Definitely it cannot just be removed without announcing this on every channel…

If you have no private key and no wlt file you will login into wallet and you will have this wallet on select box…
Only creating is blocked I think …
You can check this by breating wallet in 1.4.13 and next open it in 2.0.13

Brain wallet users have to download the .wlt file to login (using 1.x.x). It is safe, no private key in it. If they followed the safety procedure at wallet creation they should already have it.

I do not know whether to support Brain Wallet in the future.


  1. You introduced brain wallets! That’s why you simply have to presume, out there are people who use(d) them. (Without saving .wlt and private key, because they like to!)

  2. When creating a brain wallet e.g. in 1.4.13 there is a warning. In it you link to two sites. One is explaining a brain wallet: “If a brainwallet is forgotten or the person dies or is permanently incapacitated, the Bitcoins are lost forever.” But nowhere it says, perhaps the NEM foundation will stop supporting brain wallets in the future.

Do you get the point? Perhaps you dislike brain wallets personally, but just dropping them is still none of your options…

The NEM Foundation will decide what to implement, not to do, etc, and it will be done by voting.
I am the same general person as you.
They have no meaning to say to me.


Btw, saved .wlt from brain wallet from 1.4.13 and it cannot be opened in 2.0.13 beta…

A bug report is here.

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Yes, going to release again with a fix for that

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I prepared a simple demonstration page why not to use brainwallets. It can be used also to recover your old brainwallet private key:



Feel free to copy/modify/host it anywhere. As I mentioned somewhere earlier - the sooner we get rid of all unsafe brainwallets (one way or another), the better for NEM as a whole.

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Just an FYI, older versions of Nanowallet are readily available if needed: