Buid a NEM derivative called NEM' Child for emerging market

First, I will like to work with NEM team to advance humanity by reaching the forgotten. I am calling all NEM independent developers, enthusiast, channel ambasador and organization to support this. I will use the NEM open source to address important issues without deviating from the point. To support industry 4.0 or IIoT. This new technology (BlockChain) must recognize as viable some overlooked features.


Problems and Solutions

Problem: Use of crypto-suite of maximum symmetric key 256 bits encryption

1.The system makes sure that all data are 2048 bits of encryption both transient and locally- Quantum immunity.

Problem: Current asymmetric encryption keys are left out for you to store in your drive

  1. We implore dynamic random keys of 680±digit long, that never store anywhere

Problem: PKI is not easy to use on mobile newer technologies like IoT

  1. We remove PKI and key management as we know it today, thus interoperation is possible

Problem: Hashes in the DB gives attackers a hint on what to do

  1. We do not use password hashing at all, except for checking the integrity of strings

Problem: Most keys are not changed often, else they are static

  1. The keys will remain dynamic (changing) for any message no matter how small

Problem: Biometrics aren’t seen as a means of IAM development, as yet.

  1. IAM used here is based on bio-metrics e.g fingerprints, iris, voice etc.,

Problem: Password is the major instrument of accessing a resource today

  1. We have multiple attributes to perform authentication for the system access

Problem: Use of Key Exchange and PKI

  1. The platform is flexible and versatile to use symmetric and asymmetric cryptography at once

Problem: Limitation of 10mins/Block: Less the 500 transactions/s

  1. The mechanism execution is very fast with zero knowledge proof (ZkP-Triangle) and scalable

Problem: Modern crypto-systems used currently in blockchain are watered down in mobile and IoT devices

  1. It could be used anywhere on any system software or hardware.

Problem: Asymmetric and Symmetric keys are never used in a versatile and coalescent way

  1. The encryption is more of the modular forms- M1-M5 aiding a-BFT to exonerate the curse of blockchain.

Problems: Private and public key (PKI) is making Dapp harder to achieve securely and seamlessly

  1. Nodes that are parties to a transaction can update and upload ledger of transaction i.e DApp of other verticals will suffice.

Problem: Most DLT are broadcasting transactions making it harder for privacy

  1. There will be no need to broadcast transaction if only vetted profiles are approved through Biometrics-Mult-Auth (Fingerprints + Auth), physiological appendages and behavioral patterns etc.,

Problems: PoW, PoI and Pos for consensus have serious limitations.

  1. Prove of SuA -> Po(SuA) = (PoS); and Simple UWA Assignment (SuA) as a means of vetting profile’s Universal Wallet Address (UWA).—Removing DDOS and serves as sovereign ID.

Problems: There is no data life cycle in any blockchain technology

  1. Data uniqueness is guaranteed, where the letter ‘a’ is sent across one node, about 10 times. That letter must represent 10 different characters periodically.

Problems: Mining will shackle emerging markets as others with power decide their transactions.

  1. Mining must be removed for a quick turn-around in real time without violating the chain of data custody.

Problems: Blockchain technology developers sometimes are motivated by greed and avarice, thus the lack of sincere development of emerging markets.

  1. The locale economies, indigenous skills, fraud/corruption level, commerce and industries of the emerging markets will now be considered in the proposed new derivative called LokChain-NEM’s Child.

These we can easily develop by working together in tweaking NEM Blockchain to birth LokChain - NEM’s child for emerging market.

Lok = lock; Chain = Chain

More so, all blockchain applications used in the digital world would comply once a superior IAM is deployed. Read again with care to hear me out and lets make it happen.

Token Economics

Average Value of ICOn = Amount in USD / Number of contributors
% Real Asset Realizedn = Amount in USD / Total cost of Real Asset
Token value (TVn)= Average Value of ICO * % Real asset realized,
where n = level of ICO. If n= 5; Token value (TVn) = TVn-4 + TV n-3 + TV n-2 + TV n-1 + TVn

Num Token in ICOn=1 = individual amt in ICOn=1 / Token Valuen=1
[Sum Token ICOn = Num Token in ICOn ]
Sum Token ICOn=1 = Num Token in ICOn=1

Num Token in ICOn=2 = individual amt in ICOn=2 / Token Valuen=2
[ Sum Token ICOn = Num Token in ICOn + Num Token in ICOn ]
Sum Token ICOn=2 = Num Token in ICOn=1 + Num Token in ICOn=2
Sum Token ICOn=2 @ TVn=2
Sum Token ICOn=2 * TVn=2 = Cummulative ICOn=2
Num Token in ICOn=3 = individual amt in ICOn=3 / Token Valuen=3
Sum Token ICOn=3 = Num Token in ICOn=1 + Num Token in ICOn=2 + Num Token in ICOn=2
[Sum Token ICOn @ TV = Cummulative ICOn ]
Sum Token ICOn=3 * TVn=3 = Cummulative ICOn=3

Calculate average value of ICO for a mammoth project of innovation center at total cost $400M reference SAFT framework in favor of utilities, DATE and RATE?
Note: This type of project is priced at $3000/sq-ft in most developed countries. A user bought utility in the three ICO shown below -> $100, 50, 1000 respectively. Real asset is $400M for the development of innovation hub for transportation.
First ICO: Number of contributors 500,000; Amount in USD 50M
Second ICO: Number of contributors 200,000; Amount in USD 50M
Third ICO: Number of contributors 300,000; Amount in USD 100M
First ICO
Average Value of ICOn = Amount in USD / Number of contributions
Average Value of ICO1 = 50M/500000 = $100/contributions
% Real Asset Realizedn = Amount in USD / Total cost of Real Asset
= 50M /400M = $0.125
Token value (TVn)= Average Value of ICO * % Real asset realized,
=100 * 0.125 = $12.50/contributions
where n = level of ICO. If n= 3;
Token value (TVn) = TVn-4 + TV n-3 + TV n-2 + TV n-1 + TVn
[say an individual bought in $100 utility of this project at level n=1:]
Num Token in ICOn=1 = individual amt in ICOn=1 / Token Valuen=1
= 100 / 12.50 = 8 LCN

[Sum Token ICOn = Num Token in ICOn ] This is the cumulative none applicable here.

Second ICO

Average Value of ICOn = Amount in USD / Number of contributions
Average Value of ICO1 = 50M/200000 = $250
% Real Asset Realizedn = Amount in USD / Total cost of Real Asset - Amount relized
= 50M /350M = 0.143 ->(400M-50M)
Token value (TVn)= Average Value of ICO * % Real asset realized,
=250 * 0.143 = $35.75/contributions
where n = level of ICO. If n= 2; Token value (TVn) = TVn-4 + TV n-3 + TV n-2 + TV n-1 + TVn
[say an individual bought in $50 utility of this project at level n=2:]

Num Token in ICOn=2 = individual amt in ICOn=2 / Token Valuen=2
= 50 / 35.75 = 1.4 LC
[ Sum Token ICOn = Num Token in ICOn=1 + Num Token in ICOn=2 ]
Sum Token ICOn=2 = 8 + 1.4 = 9.4 LC
Sum Token ICOn=2 @ TVn=2 , THEREFORE;
[Sum Token ICOn @ TV = Cummulative Val ICOn ]
Sum Token ICOn=2 * TVn=2 = Cummulative Val ICOn=2 = 9.6 * 35.75 = $343.2

Third ICO
Average Value of ICOn = Amount in USD / Number of contributors
Average Value of ICO3 = 100M/300000 = $333.3
% Real Asset Realizedn = Amount in USD / Total cost of Real Asset
% Real Asset Realizedn=3 = 100M /300M = 0.33-> (400M-100M)
Token value (TVn=3) = Average Value of ICO * % Real asset realized,
=333.33 * 0.33 = $111.11/contributors
where n = level of ICO. If n= 3; Token value (TVn) = …TVn-4 + TV n-3 + TV n-2 + TV n-1 + TVn
[say Same individual bought in $1000 utility of this project at level n=3]

Num Token in ICOn=3 = individual amt in ICOn=3 / Token Valuen=3
= $1000/111.11 = 9.00 LC
Sum Token ICOn=3 = Num Token in ICOn=1 + Num Token in ICOn=2 + Num Token in ICOn=3
= 8 + 1.4 + 9 = 18.4 LCN. THEREFORE;
[Sum Token ICOn @ TV = Cummulative Val ICOn ]
Sum Token ICOn=3 * TVn=3 = Cummulative Val ICOn=3 = 18.4*111.11 = $2044.42

s/he contributed $1150 The yield is seen below:

2044.42 / 1150 *100 = 178% (which is 78% increase.)

If a =$1150
b-a =649.93 = $650
% increase a = 100/a * (b-a) = 100/1150 * (2044.42-1150) = 78%