I’m trying to design an inventory system that uses Nem on the backend but my knowledge is about what Nem can do is limited to what I read on the site and technical paper. My biggest questions have to do with mosaics since I couldn’t find good documentation about them.
Let’s say I create a namespace and a mosaic. Is there a way to programmatically send the token to something like /dev/null if I wanted to burn that token?
Similarly, is there a way to generate mosaic tokens on demand?
Can transaction messages be used as a signaling channel? I.e. When a transaction is triggered, the recipient receives the message and then performs some action based on the message contents.
How does the message encryption work?
is there a definitive document that explains mosaics, how to use them etc.
On the website nem.io, they describe the creation of smart assets as
"To create truly Smart Assets, however, NEM allows you to create Addresses that act as containers for Mosaics that can be connected with Multisig rules. "
Are there any guides on how this works? Where can I find them?
Thank you