I purchased XEM on HitBTC. Now I am trying to transfer it nanoWallet. On HitBTC I get an error stating "This address does not look like a NEM address.
What am I doing wrong?
I purchased XEM on HitBTC. Now I am trying to transfer it nanoWallet. On HitBTC I get an error stating "This address does not look like a NEM address.
What am I doing wrong?
Could you please attach print screen and address where you trying withdraw?
Please copy-paste here also address you are using.
Here is the address:
some of the exchanges don’t like the dashes - in the wallet address.
Just for testing I send you also empty transaction
Same problem. I used the address without the hyphens, but it is taking too long. It’s still pending in HitBTC. Did someone use the address with no hyphens and worked?
It produces same error also without dashes?
Could you check if HitBTC don’t have they XEM wallet in maintenance or something like this?
If transaction will hang long you must contact with exchange support…
I removed the dashes and it appears to be working.
Thank you for all the help
Not sure if the removing the dashes is going to work. I still have not
received the NEM XEM in nanoWallet. On bitBTC is shows the transaction is
still pending. It has been working on the transfer for about 20 hours.
if it’s pending the address worked at least. I just looked on the Hitbtc exchange and they have this message.
Please note that XEM withdrawals are temporarily unavailable due to technical maintenance. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Yeah. Looks like HitBTC has some technical problems … Please contact they support.
I never could withdraw XEM. I finally had to sell it, purchase Ethereum and then withdraw Ethereum. I had to pay two additional transaction fees, but it was the only way I could get my money back.
Yeah. They have a problem with payouts and it looks like they are not doing anything about it.
how did you sell it mine is still in processing 3 yellow dots in history on HITBTC. if i could cancel? id be happy too cop the fee.