Like “NEM: XEM”
Namespace = “SBL” or “SYB”
with this
I think “SBL: XYM” or “SYB: XYM” is not bad
For me, the ticker “XYM” is the best way to combine the past and future of NEM (XEM) / SYMBOL (XYM).
Side note ( : )
And if someone says “tomorrow”, we will know that catapult is meant.
We are all part of the community, so it will be interesting to see how the vote turns out.
All okay… but where is Testnet, Wallets and Explorer???
Almost a month ago committee promised to release them. I think the current CTO and PM are not good at maintaining a timeline. You should get a new one.
I propose “SBL”, which is three-letter and easy to recognize Symbol.
This was already added to list so you can expect SBL on vote considerations.
Testnet has been happening for months now but just hadn’t opened to wider community. We do have community participating however. A larger push is happening soon around this.
It’s frustrating to have delays, I know. We are in home stretch.
I just got a little brainstorm going on for even more ticker suggestions: (Can’t believe some of these haven’t come up anywhere)
SYM: Symbol (I know 2 other projects use this, but they are dead projects, and this by far the best choice for the ticker)
XSY: X for currency and then Symbol (Pronounced “eks-s-wai”)
XSB: (Resembles Ripple XRP) X for currency and then Symbol
XY: X for currency and then Symbol (Pronounced “ekswai”)
XSM: X for currency and then Symbol
SYL: Derived from Symbol (Pronounced “sil”)(Could be explained as Symboll evys??)
SYT: Symbol Tokens (Pronounced “sit”)
SYC: Symbol Coin (Pronounced “sik”)
SYN: Symbol Note (Pronounced “sin”) (Could also be SY mbol N ugget)
YTO: Symbol Token (Pronounced “waito”)
YCO: Symbol Coin (Pronounced “waiko”)(However too similar to ico)
XYT: Symbol Token + X for currency
Out of the current suggestions these are also good:
XYM : (XEM but with a Y) X for currency and the Symbol
SBL : Symbol
SYB : Symbol
My preference goes to something with the Y in it because it is the icon of Symbol. But these are my favorites:
- XY
Agree with all the other comments regarding XYM. XYM gets my vote.
XYM also gets my vote. Has the closest sound to XEM, yet is a totally new product, whilst keeping some attachment to it’s legacy in name and sound. Also rolls off the tongue more easily.
I too like SYM or XYM
I vote XYM. Can I vote? I’ll just leave a message here.
POI vote starts Monday. Stay tuned.
Fyi there is still time to vote, the POI vote for the ticker option is closing soon.