Claiming please

Hello. …I’m an original NEM stakeholder and I was wondering if I can still claim my original stake. Ive had a tough couple of years with my mom being in a coma and then having a multitude of computer problems. Can I still claim my stake?

No, that is impossible. The period for claiming a stake is long over.


I believe I claimed it but how do I verify it. Is there someone I can call?

It all drills down to the question if your address is in the nemesis block. So what address did you use to claim your stake?

Is that an account number (digits) or an email?

It’s a letter/number string that looks like this:

I have a letter number combo that is like 30 digits long? Is it the token?

A mainnet address has always a length of 40 chars (not including the ‘-’). It always starts with a N.

You belong to the minority of people that we cannot satisfy. Your absence or lack of interest thereof wasn’t our problem. The train had to move and the project must soldier on. Egalitarian there was, but the horses have bolted out of the gates. It is now a free for all in the race field. Like time, you cannot unwind. You can curse at anyone, but no one can help you now. The blockchain height is now into the second half to the million. If you had to claim it should have been in block 0, the genesis.

Thank you for having supported NEM. You can continue to support the ecosystem by participating, but if you wish not, it is your prerogative.

I also supported NEM. Just a pity that you did not state in the announcement that there gonna be a limited time to claim the coins.

Moreover I would say that itIt is absolutely unethical to expropriate your earliest supporters money, no matter what the situation. There was no need to exclude anyone from genesis block

Redemption is over and no more stakes will be given out. If a person has a private key that was included in the Nemesis block, there coins should still be there waiting on them. If not, there isn’t much that can be done.