OK , so this is merely a conceptual idea that needs to mature. Hence this topic to brainstorm about this.
Some ideas exist about decentralising loans and things like fair trade etc…
In the end it all comes down to thrust. In the current world this is achieved by centralised systems or laws or something.
But how great would it be if we could find a way to relatively ensure that someone can be thrusted in a decentralised way.
E.g. I want to give someone a loan that I have no controll over. How can we find a way to ensure this is not just someone that is trying to scam me and run of with my precious NEM.
The idea I have been wrapping my head around is to have a way to assign independant auditors that can build up a reputation. These people will then verify in some way wether someone has the right intentions by performing a pre-agreed audit.
So if someone would like to loan from me, he can search for a known and thrusted auditor that is in his neighborhood. He contacts the auditor and gives some private information that will remain confidential as long as the predetermined conditions are ensured. In other words, as long as the person keeps paying me the monthly fees, I will not be able to see his identity. But if there is a breach in the conditions, the information will become available. This has to be automated to ensure privacy.
The thrusted auditor will get a fee for performing the audit and will gain in importance as auditor after succesfull completion.
Then these thrusted persons can in their turn nominate other auditors which after an evaluation (unexpected re-audits by any other auditor) can become thrusted auditors.
Since the auditor is independent he won't have any reason to make the confidential information available. The system should ensure that if the 'contract' is breached the information will become automatically available to the victim. A predetermined margin can be built in to prevent escalation due to unforeseen circumstances.
I hope I am making myself clear because this is quite complicated.
Before you will all start to bombard this withh arguments why this would not work I will admit that it is an ambitious idea which will require a good setup and alot of effort to succeed.
I just want to open the discussion and start brainstorming this to see where it can go
The idea I have been wrapping my head around is to have a way to assign independant auditors that can build up a reputation. These people will then verify in some way wether someone has the right intentions by performing a pre-agreed audit.
Could an auditor be a representative of .... a government ... ?
"API" for every plan cryptocurrencies will need :)
Loans are not good.
Are you proposing that we swicth to fractal reserve system and replicate the same rotten system by using NEM?
You can not repay back interest on loan in NEM because the number of NEM is limited.
You can find some nice documentaries here in the OP and further in the rest of the thread.
Loans are not good.
Are you proposing that we swicth to fractal reserve system and replicate the same rotten system by using NEM?
You can not repay back interest on loan in NEM because the number of NEM is limited.
You can find some nice documentaries here in the OP and further in the rest of the thread.
Some say that without the loans there could not be such development in the world as there has been. Of course it has gone overheated, but it is not the reason of loans itself.
The interest could be something else than cryptocurrency...
The usage of the idea can also be something else than just loans.
Some say that without the loans there could not be such development in the world as there has been. Of course it has gone overheated, but it is not the reason of loans itself.
The interest could be something else than cryptocurrency...
The usage of the idea can also be something else than just loans.
Yes I'm aware of this development theories and I agree in part but this FIAT system got detached from nature
and from planet earth so i see an big abuse of the system here.
As you can see everyone in the economy is looking for infinite growth becasue they have infinite debt and therefore
to have more growth they destroy the environement.
The growth is limited by planet Earth as a whole unique ecosystem but the current economy does not take this into account.
From other side giving loans can also mean give power to someone to do something that he otherwise would not be able to do.
Lets say that an individual or a group of individuals can get loan or bank guarantee due to their political or inside conenction that means that they will gain bigger power over other people common people and that they will gain more influence into communitiy
to do wath they want at the expense of the community.
This is where i see the absurditiy of the current system and therefore I would not like that we replicate the same shit in(with) NEM.
Interest can be takein in other commodities but tis interest shudl be formet accordin to natural laws.
What i mena by example is for example one can take a loan and offer grain as interest but in that case the interest
can not be bigger as the nature allows because grain is harvested once a year therfore size of interet can't be 2 times bigger
that it can be harvested. I hope you understand what i mean.
About the above IDEA ot technology usage
Check this please: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawala
This is one thing that I think NEM should implement or that above idea can be used for
(decentralized p2p exchnage and money transfer)
Arbitors or brokers should place a collateral to be arbitors or brokers that means that for example for
1000000 collateral thay can arbiter or make deals with multple users but of total cumulative value of 1000000 NEM.
Each arbiter shoulld be rated by other users in the deal.The arbiters shoud get a fee for their service.
The fee is set by arbitors (brokers)
I thinks this thing above could be possbile with NEM as multisignature are planned to be implemented in NEM.
I like the idea but I am not sure which private information you mean when a condition is breached. Like the real name + address? What does it help then?
That whole loan/interest discussion is complex and a bit off topic in this thread. I just want to say this:
Loaning anything is a service which is ok to be paid (in which form whatsoever). I don't see a difference in loaning a car (and paying for that) or loaning money (and paying for it). In both cases the person who loans the car/money has a risk and that risk is paid. The problem with loans in our financial system is the fact that banks can loan money to people which doesnt exist (the money, not the people^^).
And: Nobody can prevent people from loaning NEM to others with interest. So the discussion is senseless anyway.
First of all, I have two comments about the discussion of the interest:
[li]This is irrelevant for this topic, the focus on this idea is to be on a mechanism to establish thrust through an independent third party. The focus should not be on profit , but on helping other people.[/li]
[li]I think this could be transferred to another topic, I have several comments about the differences with FIAT <-> NEM when it comes to interest.[/li]
Well, I have to admit that there is little reason to assume a name and address would help alot other than the psychological factor. So this might have to be thought through better.
Initially this idea was discussed in a discussion with makoto about fair trade. Then the third party could check the farmer wether he could be accepted as a fair trade supplier. Probably this makes more sense, but I believe there should be a way to use this concept to have independent people check other people to establish some way of decntralised thrust.
Hm I don't really understand how it exactly works for fair trade. Can you explain it more in detail?
So, if you would have a farmer or producer that claims to work independent and wants to be accepted for a fair trade label, he will make a request for an audit.
Then the independent auditor checks certain items for compliance to be accepted. A fee is payed for this, but not all of it would go to the auditor. Some portions would go to a reserve.
This could be used to organise a surprise audit occasionally.
This will in its turn be a check for the credibility of the first auditor.
Once this system would have enough participants it would create some sort of p2p audit system.
I hope this makes sense
So you want to combine a trust system (that is nothing new) with a blockchain based contract with certain actions which will be automatically triggered for certain conditions. Sounds good