I am trying to create an apostille
and then trying to verify it using the codes provided on the nem-sdk
. link to example
When I create it using the following code, the Transaction Hash
is generated correctly.
var endpoint = nem.model.objects.create("endpoint")(nem.model.nodes.defaultTestnet, nem.model.nodes.defaultPort);
console.log("Testnet and port" + nem.model.nodes.defaultTestnet, nem.model.nodes.defaultPort);
var content = 'My 22ROCK22'
var fileContent = nem.crypto.js.enc.Utf8.parse(content);
var apostille = nem.model.apostille.create(common, "Test.txt", fileContent, "Test Apostille", nem.model.apostille.hashing["SHA256"], false, true, nem.model.network.data.testnet.id);
// Serialize transfer transaction and announce
nem.model.transactions.send(common, apostille.transaction, endpoint).then(function(res){
// If code >= 2, it's an error
if (res.code >= 2) {
} else {
console.log("\nTransaction: " + res.message);
console.log("\nCreate a file with the fileContent text and name it:\n" + apostille.data.file.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "") + " -- Apostille TX " + res.transactionHash.data + " -- Date DD/MM/YYYY" + "." + apostille.data.file.name.split('.').pop());
console.log("When transaction is confirmed the file should audit successfully in Nano");
console.log("\nYou can also take the following hash: " + res.transactionHash.data + " and put it into the audit.js example");
}, function(err) {
console.log("err ? ");
console.error( err );
However, when I paste the transaction Has
h in the code provided below that does the verification
it always says that it’s invalid.
var endpoint = nem.model.objects.create("endpoint")(nem.model.nodes.defaultTestnet, nem.model.nodes.defaultPort);
// Simulate the file content
var content = 'My 22ROCK22'
var fileContent = nem.crypto.js.enc.Utf8.parse(content );
// Transaction hash of the Apostille
var txHash = "d7abd8ab3bc8bef532900859b6209817621bc118fb842ff87039ddf365b71c3f";
// Get the Apostille transaction from the chain
nem.com.requests.transaction.byHash(endpoint, txHash).then(function(res) {
// Verify
console.log("testnet and port "+ nem.model.nodes.defaultTestnet, nem.model.nodes.defaultPort);
if (nem.model.apostille.verify(fileContent, res.transaction)) {
console.log("Apostille is valid");
} else {
console.log("Apostille is invalid" + res.transaction.type);
}, function(err) {
console.log("Apostille is invalid");
I also found out that if i create a apostille
using Nano wallet and used the transaction code generate in my verification sourcecode (provided above) it says that it is valid. I think there must be something missing in my Create
source code. Can someone please help me out.