Does passphrase include whitespaces between words?

Sorry about this very basic question. I am trying to access an old wallet. I have almost all the passphrase, missing one word. However, I just want to check, is the passphrase/password including spaces between the words or do you use a CamelCase kind of input?



Update: I found the password on an old scrap of paper. I was actually working my way through the four letter words in as systematic & automated a fashion as possible (words listed on a html page, one click copy). I’d got to C. The missing word turned out to be ‘yawn’.

It depends. Of course it matters what the circumstances are in detail.

This is a very good explain:

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Thanks for the response. I’m pretty sure that the NEM wallet came up with the passphrase however. So, I’m just wondering in such circumstances, are the black spaces expected on input.



You can create a new wallet and try it out. Only so will you know exactly.

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@RocketSanchez NEM wallet don’t have mnemonics. What wallet did you used in past?

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Thanks. I thought of what you said just after I posted there. Regards, Rocket

Hi. THAT is the question. I am just after trying out creating a new wallet. & I find that I am choosing the password. I am pretty sure, 99%+ sure, that the eight words (well, seven of them with the sixth missing) is my passphrase for this wallet. However, it seems now that I must have generated this phrase using a generator or some sort as it doesn’t look my usual efforts. Sadly, the question remains if there are spaces or not, as spaces are legal for the password for my wallet. I wonder if there are any scripts for passphrase brute force for a NEM wallet…

Thanks for your response, regards, Rocket

Don’t know what you used but NEM wallet never used 8 words mnemonics.

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I think what I used was just 8 words for my password for my wallet. Which of course anyone could do. Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

Regards, Rocket

Maybe. But with password you will be not able restore account. You need to have private key.

I have the .wlt file. As I understand it, that file has my private key encrypted, no? Regards, Rocket

What are the properties of the private key, by the way? The hex form & any other form, if you know. Regards, Rocket.

Yes. Wallet file is ok too.

  • install wallet from Wallets - NEM
  • use “Import wallet” yellow button
  • Login using old password

Private key is 64 length hexadecimal

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