Does vesting/importance get reset when the private key changes?

It seems like in some cases it is possible to perform changes on the private key (and therefore the public key) for an account (at least for a Nanowallet). Do the vested amount and/or the account importance get reset to 0 when this happens?

a private key/public key pair always points to 1 account. Any change in your private key will result in a totally different account being loaded.

Yes, vested amounts are linked to a said account. When you send your balance to another account you will need to wait for it to be vested again.

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Yes, it will reset back to zero, because new private key means new wallet address.

I see, I see. I take it then than what NanoWallet does under the rug is just automatically performing the transfer to the new address, but it cannot do anything in order to transfer vesting/importance. Thanks for the answers!

nanowallet does not support that, when you create a new address, the new address is empty (or you are a very lucky fellow :smiley: )

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