Double Check Your Private Keys

I had a successfully check, but my wallet is empty, it's correct? Next step is refill the NEM coins?

Everything is fine. Just wait till launch, start up the New client(after making sure all old nem client files are deleted) and then import your private key and your coins will be in your account ;)

Checked and got the your address, private and public key all match popup. Phew.

From a non technical person's perspective, doing everything correctly prior to launch is nerve wracking.

Guys, can we safely ignore the 'Error 121 address book file does not exist', when opening a wallet with the address used for regiatering a stake? Or is it better to create a new real address and use that for the stake instead?

Guys, can we safely ignore the 'Error 121 address book file does not exist', when opening a wallet with the address used for regiatering a stake? Or is it better to create a new real address and use that for the stake instead?

No need for the old wallet or to create a new real address. Just create a new wallet and verify real account info. You don't even have to be connected to the internet, after you boot a node, to verify real account info.

Thanks, iaminitnow06. :slight_smile:

successful check, sorry for rant above, best wishes to all team for launch