Easily run a node with this docker config


I put together a docker config to easily run NIS.
I've started running a node with it and will improve the config as further needs arise or requests come in.
I will also update it with new Nem releases, which shold facilite upgrades of your node too!

check it out at https://github.com/rb2nem/nem-docker

Let me know if you have suggestions!

Nice !
Would yoube willing to release it in the NewEconomyMovement open soruce organization ?

It's be cool if everything is collected there.

I sent you an invite. I hope once you accept that invite you'll be able to move the repo but I'm not sure which permissions one needs todo that.

I've accepted the invite but can't create a repo. If you create the repo (I would suggest nem-docker or similar as name) and give me write access, I'll push it there an use it as the repo for the project.

I have further improved the scripts. Now you just need to clone the repo and issue the command ./run.sh!

I've accepted the invite but can't create a repo. If you create the repo (I would suggest nem-docker or similar as name) and give me write access, I'll push it there an use it as the repo for the project.

There should be a function to move a repo and not create a new one. See if that works. That's how freigeist recently moved his php library from his own repo.


I put together a docker config to easily run NIS.
I've started running a node with it and will improve the config as further needs arise or requests come in.
I will also update it with new Nem releases, which shold facilite upgrades of your node too!

check it out at [url=https://github.com/rb2nem/nem-docker]https://github.com/rb2nem/nem-docker

Let me know if you have suggestions!

Did you know about [url=https://forum.ournem.com/vps-nodes/30k-xem-bounty-for-docker-package/msg17239/#msg17239]this? 30k XEM for your awesome script!

But.. I've tried to run and it failed.
Issue [url=https://github.com/rb2nem/nem-docker/issues/1]submitted

Hi 21xhipster,

I didn't know about the bounty, that's a good surprise :slight_smile:

I answered on the github ticket, did you have the opportunity to further test?

Thanks! It works!
PM me your address!!!

Some questions:
1. Docker writes after installation:

You can access the NEM Community Client at [url=http://localhost:8989/]http://localhost:8989/
That is not the truth:
=> curl [url=http://localhost:8989]http://localhost:8989
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8989: Connection refused

2. Don't work once has been stopped.
3. Will you support updates and docker registry?

Thanks! It works!
PM me your address!!!

Some questions:
1. Docker writes after installation:

You can access the NEM Community Client at [url=http://localhost:8989/]http://localhost:8989/
That is not the truth:
=> curl [url=http://localhost:8989]http://localhost:8989
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8989: Connection refused

2. Don't work once has been stopped.
3. Will you support updates and docker registry?

1: this is a bug, I will fix it
2: I don't understand what you mean
3: I will absolutely update the config. For the docker registry: I'll have to take a look at it, never used it.

If you find bugs, file them at github, will be much easier to follow

Thx for your feedback and the bounty! :-)

@rb2: what is your nem address for donations?

I added my nem address in my signature now :slight_smile:

  1. I mean that if I stop docker container and try to launch it again nothing works.
    3. Cool. I foresee this as a core project for NEM infrastructure. We can ad cool features for node monitoring and administration right in the container.

2: are you using the latest version? Try a git pull to be sure. If you are, delete all containers that have been created by the script. You can list them with sudo docker ps -a, and remove a specific container with sudo docker rm $name_of_container. The containers created by this script are usually based on the image mynis, or something equivalent.