When running a NEM node regularly, you might wish to make sure that your node is set up properly to best support the network. This is an easy guide for people with simple internet connections at their house. For instance I have a pretty simple system at my house. I go from the wall, to the router, to my computer via ethernet cable.
For additional information that may help you understand the process, please read this guide. There are lots of pictures which might help you to understand the process better.
Let's get started!
Step 1)I was able to go into Windows Firewall and set the port 7890 to forward. Guide In Mac I went to System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Firewall → Firewall options → + → NEM 0.6.xx → wallet → okay. If that still doesn't work in Mac, you may need to turn your Firewall off.
Step 2)Next I needed to forward the port in my router. I logged into the router address. It is always something like 192.168.x.x and mine exactly was So I opened up an internet browser and typed in that address. (if you don't know your address, you can also find it by using a Windows command prompt and typing "ipconfig" or terminal in Mac and typing "ifconfig -a", or you can do a Google search for you router brand's IP)
Step 3)Now you can type the 192.168.x.x you retrieved in step 2 into your web browser. Once you are on the router's settings page I went to a section in the router called "Port Forwarding". I choose to pick a range of ports to forward. I started the range at 7890 and ended it at 7890 and then forwarded it to port 7890. There will be an option to choose TCP or UDP and choosing only TCP is the best. Then there is a choice to name the service for which you are setting up the port forwarding, so any name is good. I chose "NEM". Depending on the router sometimes you can choose if you want to forward to a port range or a single port, of course for NEM it makes sense to forward just a single port, but if you enter a range from 7890-7890, it also works.
There is one more thing to do and it is kind of tricky. The port when forwarded will need a specific IP address. So you will need to know the IP address for your computer associated with that router. The way to find this is to go to command prompt in Windows and once in the command prompt type in "ipconfig". At that point it is possible to see the IPV4 address. It should look something like 192.168.x.x xx. Basically something that is kind of like your router address but just a little different, just a little different on the end. It'll probably be a little longer. That address is the one you need to forward to 7890. Once you've entered all the information, you can click save. (for Mac go to Terminal and type in "ifconfig -a")
So just for review, you should have something like this.
Protocol: TCP Port Start: 7890 Port End: 7890 Destination Port: 7890 Destination IP Address:
Some routers will update automatically, but some will need a restart. If you don't know how to restart it, just turn it off and back on again. If you have configured your router correctly, when you go to you should see your NEM NIS name on the top half of node list (not in the red). That means your node is in good shape and is supporting the network well. If your node is listed on the bottom half, something wasn't configured correctly. It will often take up to 15 minutes for Nembex to see your node, so if you don't see it listed, please wait a while and check again.
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