Error 699 persists after suggested fix

Hi there

New here, have just set up a NEM wallet and bought some XEM.

I am attempting to setup delegated harvesting and have followed the steps outlined in the video here

All good until I attempt to start delegated harvesting when I get Error 699

I have looked through the forums and followed the advice given here about how to raise the amount of harvesters
by changing my nis.unlockedLimit from 1 to 5 in the file.

But I am still getting the error message. Everything has been closed down and restarted again a number of times but the error persists.

Is there anything else that could be causing it?
Any and all advice much appreciated.


And you are sure you are using a local NIS? What is the account address you are using for harvesting?

Apologies for ignorance

  • how do I check that I am using a local NIS?

If you are using NCC as client, you can click on ‘Settings’ in the browser page. looks like this if it is using a local NIS:

AH! Ok thanks - no, I had an IP from the UK public node I had been attempting to connect to there.

I have reset to localhost and restarted, so am now on localhost.

  • can I procede in some way now?
  • I find I still have the Error 699 if I try the remote server connection again at the moment…

What do you mean?
server connection: that is the server displayed as ‘Host’ in the settings panel. Are you using a local or a remote server now?

Apologies for lack of clarity

I reset to localhost and then exited and shutdown.
I restarted and reopened my wallet and had localhost as my server.
I (wrongly) thought I could procede as suggested in the video from this point to reset to a remote server and start the delegated harvesting - jumped the gun(!)

Back now on localhost (as per your screengrab) and am not attempting to connect to a remote server at this point in time, instead waiting and hoping you can advise me how to procede properly… :blush:

So now that you have configured to use a local NIS, what happens when you click on ‘Start delegated harvesting’? Still error 699? Did you restart NIS after you increased nis.unlockedLimit?

Ah - no, but I get this instead

Error 700 NIS: Harvesting Ineligible

Ok, looking around I am seeing some information related to my XEM needing to be “vested” before I can begin harvesting.

Is this the issue?

I added about 82,000 at about 3pm yesterday.
So far I have about 1250 confirmations

Is it just a question of waiting? Is there some indicator that will inform me when I am vested enough to be able to harvest? Or is it just a question of keeping trying until I don’t get the error message?

Thanks again for your patience in helping out.

It will need 2 days until you have more than 10k vested xem. You can check your vested balance in your browser:

Replace the address with your delegated account’s address. The “vestedBalance” is reported in micro xem.

Ah, ok. many thanks, I think I get in now!

May I humbly suggest flagging this necessary delay up in a line or two in your helpful harvesting tutorials just to stop gung-ho rookies like me falling flat on their faces…:flushed::relaxed:

Interesting though, when I check on balance the info reads as…

Gotta scrutinize those zero’s I guess…
balance 82310.000000
vested 8231.000000

Is that right? Or am I off down the wrong rabbit-hole again?

That looks about right. you need one more day vesting. But honestly, i think harvesting with your balance will not result in many harvested block ^^ Hundreds of millions of xem are used to harvest, yours is quite small…

Got you

  • but I may as well put them to work in case they get reinforcements.

I like the whole concept behind NEM anyway and am happy to begin supporting it and see it grow!

So as a noob and non-dev, I’m trying hard to learn this whole scene, and was bumping up against the same issues as AndyDay (getting the 699 error message), pulling my hair out that delegated harvesting wasn’t working despite my following the video tutorial to the letter. (Yes, the tutorial needs to be fixed in this respect.)

But my current questions have to do with your comment that harvesting with a “low balance” (in his case 82.31K XEM) not resulting in many harvested blocks. So: 1) What is, in your opinion, an adequate balance? 2) So my XEM are used up to harvest? 3) If so, what of value do I get in return? Is this just a service I provide out of the goodness of my heart to help something I want to see succeed?

Any help you can give is appreciated.

A bit hard to figure out what you are asking for ^^

  1. I think you need at least 1M xem to have a good chance to harvests a block each day.
  2. don’t understand that question
  3. If you harvest a block you get all the transaction fees for the transactions included in the block. That is not much as of now because we don’t have many transactions in the network.

Thanks for your reply and patience. It’s getting clearer, and the lack of clarity around #2 is certainly tied to my own understanding of NEM. So I’ll try again:

Why in the world is my XEM balance related to my chance of harvesting a block? If I have, say, 20K XEM, then you say my chance is very low. Yet if I have 2 million then my chance is much better. It made me think that, perhaps, my XEM are actually used up in harvesting, that some program is (so to speak) saying, “Person A can’t harvest because he doesn’t have much money in his bank to cover it … but Person B, now that’s a different story.” That was the basis of question #2 in previous post.