Ethyl - The Future of the Internet of Things

Basic technical overview, more of it will be released later…

So Apostille > HD Account > IoT Device gets key of HD Account
HD Account is “owned” on chain by your personal account
Device accepts controls that are signed by your private key.

There are some catapult-only features we’re using for other things such as…

  • Real time negotiation and sale of resources (i.e. solar panels > electricity, in the format of grid credits).
  • Company pays fees instead of storing the initial registration cost on device.
  • Communication with businesses (e.x. your smart lawn sprinklers break, things happen on chain, someone comes to fix them after your approval.

The catapult features are expected to utilize the chain more, but they also provide cost savings so there isn’t a problem in paying the 10 cent fee once in a while.


Just from a quick first look, I think we should be able to support that too. They use all the protocols we plan on supporting - it’s just a matter of software.

That said we haven’t looked at it too much, so that may change later. ^

I am in

Thx. KNX has huge user base with all sorts of smart home automation and has been around since ages. :sunglasses:

Interesting! I was initially confused as it seemed a poor fit for the NEM network with its current fee structure, given the quantity of transactions typically involved with many IOT devices, but your follow-up posts helped me understand. It’s surely got to be difficult competing with free transactions a la Iota etc., but it looks like you’ve plenty up your sleeve to counter that (it seems Ethyl might involve some kind of Catapult-based sidechain, or something similar?).

Will you be adding new team members for Ethyl? Or is this a fairly central/core effort?

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Keep in mind that this is a community funding proposal, meaning the core team will not be working on this. We are a separate team from the core team with quite a bit of experience building applications on the NEM Blockchain.

Some other projects I’ve worked on can be found on the NEM Blog.


Nikhil / Reverse Cold: This could be an exciting project of an ioT use case at least.

In reading the goal, could you explain how one will benefit going on chain (private or public) in the end?

The last step reads: “In Short: The goal of the third milestone is to create the “real deal”. Anyone with the technical capability of setting up a game console or new PC should be able to get going with blockchain IoT.”

If I am intensively focus on solving the original business issue you have stated of not wanting to share my home data, how will your proposal help? Simple example, if I have an quasi ioT security camera that tracks videos at the perimeter of my home, will your project be able to secure my videos captured (or make it simpler just date, time and duration data, not videos) without using a third party cloud base vendor? How does this project help replace the third party cloud base vendor that I use now? I don’t mind paying to store the data on the chain but can I retrieve the data when I need to? Who owns my video or data? Thanks.

I support it too !

“Potential support for other boards, time permitting.”

Agree with @sheld0r you should definitely look to integrate with KNX

I have tinkered with Home Automation for a number of years and it is a great use case for IoT. I will support this project but have a few questions / points:

  1. Would you consider a change of project name “Ethyl” sounds like it is based on Ethereum. I’d prefer it to be either linked to NEM or generic
  2. Please consider integration with OpenHAB, this open-source project has a very large following and because of the add-in nature already hundreds of connections and integrations to other protocols or manufacturer hardware -
  3. Please consider supporting MQTT (pronounced Mosquito) a lightweight machine to machine messaging protocol used by a number of applications for interconnectivity and again open-source -
  4. As previously mention by @sheldor support KNX




Videos are one thing we aren’t supporting yet, because they require a quite a bit of storage space. The security camera market is also very fragmented it, making it difficult to support.

Someone could implement NEMid for authorization into camera feeds or a hard drive, but as of right now that is not planned for this project.

  1. Yes, definitely considering it.
  2. There are plans to support HomeAssistant plugins. OpenHAB is Java which is not part of our tech stack and would be hard to directly implement. That said, we could look into interfacing with an existing instance on the same machine.
  3. MQTT is supported, see the original thread :slight_smile:
  4. KNX will also be supported.

I believe this is the same team that developed ioNEM? If yes, I am very happy to see this solid proposal to bring it to full commercial development. You have my support!

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Sorry must have missed the mention of MQTT, great it is being supported.

For OpenHAB just offering a connector for those who already have it installed would be sufficient and open up the project to a large existing community and increase the visibility of NEM blockchain

Thanks for responding so quickly


Yes. That is correct. Thank you for your support. :slight_smile:

Yes! :slight_smile:

Interesting project - am heavily into the IoT space so can definitely see the real world application for this :slight_smile:

OK. Thanks. Too ambitious of me to think of video support for a simple use case for this project.

So let me understand our business goal here. The Raspberri Pi will connect to the blockchain via APIs and using several standards that others mentioned as well.Then what piece will actually be the iOT device? I am hoping to see at least a simple ioT device like a temperature sensor involved. And also at the very minimally show information captured and validated by blockchain. Is this too ambitious to have several pieces? I am seriously thinking about this project as a prototype that has sufficient components that we can use for NEM marketing. Forgive me if I missed the obvious in the proposal that is already explicitly mentioned. Thanks again.

Hi, I like the project. It’s ironic some people are worry to share info to the thermostat rather than Social media or google.
I have Amazon Echo and I want to know in order to understand better, which features of nem are you gonna use into the process to connect the hub into Alexa and which kind of information is registered into the blockchain.
If you are planning to use Apostille, can you make a mockup using the testnet?
One more thing, Who are behind this project? I;m gonna vote yes but I prefer to know more about the team.

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Yes I will support this project, but i see the voting module is still down, how do we vote?