
Because you need use private key to sign transaction and not his address.

send function

Hello @CryptoBeliever

Thanks a lot for helping me .
I have one more issue - that what is the amount cut as a transaction fee in nem transactions. Does the fee charge depends on the money being transferred?

Thank you

Yes. Fee calculation functions can be found here

Hello @CryptoBeliever
Right now whatever transactions I am doing , 0.1 fee is being deducted from the sender’s account


var common = nem.model.objects.create(“common”)("", req.body.privateKey);
var endpoint = nem.model.objects.create(“endpoint”)(“”, 7890);
var transferTransaction = nem.model.objects.create(“transferTransaction”)
(req.body.to_address, req.body.amount, “Hello”);
var transactionEntity = nem.model.transactions.prepare(“transferTransaction”)
(common, transferTransaction,
nem.model.transactions.send(common, transactionEntity, endpoint)

I have used nem-sdk , and the fee always cut is 0.1

It depends what you including to transaction. What message and what mosaic amounts.

If short (up to 16 signs) message like “Hello” then additional 0.05 XEM is added to fee.
Without message it would be 0.05XEM

Hello @CryptoBeliever
Thanks a lot for your help

Hello @CryptoBeliever

I have done transactions and those were successful ,
but now i have again done a transaction , i have got success message with hash but it has not got confirmed on explorer since 5 hours .
Please help .

Thank you

Maybe you are using not-up-to-date node? You can try another one:

Mainnet nodes:
Testnet nodes: