First transaction in history for a product/service in exchange for NEM happened

Original post [url=]here:

Attention all Nemsters!

As far as I know the first transaction in history for a product or service in exchange for NEM has just happened.

I am awaiting product for an e-commerce site built specifically to sell NEM t-shirts. I had 15.

User gadsden76 was looking for a way to advertise NEM to his local crypto-currency group, he exchanged .1 NEMstake for a total of fifteen NEM t-shirts.

I will announce the website name where you can buy t-shirts as well once I was receive some more product.

You can view the transaction in the NXT blockchain here:

EFFV  :slight_smile:

Wow, just noticed this was posted here a while ago. Thanks tompa  :wink:

Also if anyone wants to buy a t-shirt you can contact me over PM.