Forgot NEM Nano Wallet password -Pls help

Forgot NEM Nano Wallet password -Pls help

Please create a secret key wallet from the backed-up secret key.
If you do not back up your private key, there is no way to remember your password.


Can you pls explain the steps?

I have my private key

In nanowallet, first, click signup button in upper right.
Then chose private key wallet.
This wallet is created from private key.
So you can recover your address which was in lost wallet.

Fill in the following blanks.
Wallet name is not necessarily same as former wallet name.
Private key is private key of address which you want to recover,
Chose main net, and enter new password to encrypt new wallet.

This time don’t forget backup your wallet file and password!

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can you help me open my nano wallet? I never put a password on it but its asking for a password.

If you forgot password you can restore wallet using private key.
Sign up -> Private key wallet option. Choose mainnet, new password, new wallet name and provide private key from backup. If private key is correct you will restore access to your old wallet.

O haver my XEMs in nano wallet 1.0.72_mainnet (111). When it’s time to transffer them for Catapult exchange, is this nano wallet compatble or should upgrade?

Hi. Opt-In details are not known yet. Please wait for official announcement.