Full node set up

Is there any difference between a full node and supernode? If not, where can I find documentation on how to set up a full node?

All Supernodes are full nodes, but not all full nodes are Supernodes. So basically a full node has its ports open and is harvesting and supporting the network. It is actually pretty easy for anybody who isn’t a beginner. Supernodes in addition to having ports open and harvesting are running a servant that connects to other Supernodes and helps with monitoring the network and checking to see that they are “high-performance” nodes.

A full node can actually be run on a Raspi 3 pretty easily, but that of course wouldn’t ever be a supernode.

Here are some tutorials with lots of good information. https://blog.nem.io/nem-tutorial-list/

The particular tutorial you want is this one. https://blog.nem.io/easy-configuration-guide-opening-port-7890/

Other than the instructions in that chain, it is just, downloading and syncing a full chain and letting NIS run on a box. It is very light on CPU but a little heavy on RAM.

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