Get the the timeStamp for the transaction

Hi, I want to get the timeStamp for Transaction, if I don’t want to get it from the api:GET /node/extended-info, which way can I use to get it? Can someone help to show the code snippet about it? thank you very much.

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Timestamp for a new connection can be deducted from the request

The returned timestamps need to be divided by 1000 since they represent milliseconds and the tx timestamp is in seconds.


Thanks for your reply. Is there other way to get it if I don’t want to use http request?

Maybe the nem-sdk is supporting retrieving the network time, i haven’t looked at it.

Yeah, me too. I want to get the network time by using the nem core code or sdk. But not found yet. Anybody else know this? thanks a lot.

Just to be clear. You want calculate timestamp to set in newly created transaction?
If yes best way is to fetch it from /time-sync/network-time (receiveTimeStamp). This is how nanowallet does.

Yeah, agree with you. thanks.

function nemtimestamp()
var now = new Date();
var nemepoch = new Date(“March 29, 2015 00:06:25 -0000”);
return Math.round((now-nemepoch)/1000);


Exactly. But using local time can cause problem because on NIS time can be different and transaction may be rejected if difference is to big.