Harvesting is profitable?

Have you had good luck with alpharacks? Honestly they were really bad when I used them. Bad vps performance, awful customer service, and awful admin panel security.

for harvesting they are good, i dont have any problems, but for supernodes they have issues with network speed and performance.
The support is fast, but only in comercial time.

I was using them for a supernode, it passed the tests about 75% of the time.

How to calculate the profit (static), what data needs to have for this?

  1. Difficulty
  2. Vested Balance (HashRate)
  3. POI

Can someone have a formula?

For Example:

I have 11000 vested XEM
My POI 0.24%

What are the maximum frames. When I get my first profit.

I use delegate harvesting + nano Wallet. How do I know if something is happening or not? A few days in a row no changes

Remote status

Vested balance
11 225,181767 XEM

Harvested blocks
No blocks harvested

The most important factor that determines how much are going to harvest is your importance rating. The amount of xem vested is far less important, It just has to be above 10k. The iportance is calcualated from the indivudal gain of importance of each transaction which fades away with time, so if a transaction gives you importance it will start dropping down as your account stays idle. Outcoming transactions give you more importance than incoming so you cant just move amount of money back and front and gain imp and also the imp you recieve from a transaction depends from the imp rating of the account you are sending to. If he is also with 10k+ xem vested this helps you a lot. The equasion is quite complicated but summerised imagine you run a bussiness and you pay your employees with xem. Nem would be very important for you because without it your bussiness shuts down so you are somewhat trustworty because you have the least of interest of convicting fraud or something that will compromise the reputation of nem. So you will be given the privilege of verifying transactions and will be rewarded for that. Its not ment to be used as profit tool, so that you can just buy some xem and earn without caring about anything related to the system. As a disclaimer I want to point that I cant guarantee what im saying here is absolutely correct. That’s just how I understood the whitepaper when I red it. I also bought 30 000 xem a few months ago to try harvesting and was dissapointed at first, withdrawed them all, exchanged in other cryptos, made crazy profits and now i bought 15k again but this time im not aiming to harvest. I just red a lot lately about the project and Im starting to really appreciate the value and the potential. :slight_smile: And over time Im sure that as addoption grows and i start using it my importance will start growing, but i wouldnt waste time trying to trick the system now with pointless transactions like some people write in forums, move xem back and forth between two wallets you own etc. I guess tipping is a valid way of raising imp rating and it also helps a lot to spread the adoption which pushes the price up so i will encourage to do that instead!