Have I lost my NEM Stake due to Inactivity?


Sorry for asking such a basic question but I have been unable to find an answer for this.

I was one of the stakeholders on the google docs list. I completed the first couple of stages of redemption, obtained my private and public keys, and a NEM address.

The last few months I’ve been inactive in both NEM and crypto, I see NEM has now launched. Have I lost my NEM stake due to inactivity?

Thank you.

If you have your private key, then you just need to load it into a wallet and you are good. I suggest lighwallet from here http://bob.nem.ninja/installer/ Don’t mind the red warning. That is google’s way of being mean.

what is your nem address?

Thank you for the help guys. I will try loading my private key into a wallet. I’m not sure what my NEM address is, I have it all written down offline.

I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again.

Could someone confirm that this is the most recent guide to getting started with NEM?


I don’t know if it is the most recent guide but it looks reasonable to me.

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Thank you for all the help.

I’m online and cooking. 2,250,000 XEM in my wallet. All backed up etc.

What’s going on with NEM now, are there assets to invest in, or any projects I should be supporting?

Good to hear that you got your XEM. So far there are as far as i know no serious assets to invest in. For more information about any projects i guess it would be good to join our telegram group. Maybe Jeff or mixmaster can handle an invitation a our main channel called ‘Red’.

Nice :wink:

If you’re interested in joining our telegram group, send me your telegram username and I will add you.
If you like slack more, you can join the slack channel alternatively. Our slack and telegram channels are connected via a forwarding bot, so in fact it is the same channel.
Slack has an auto invite linke: http://blockexplore.in/search/join-slack/

I don’t have Telegram or Slack. Thank you for the offer though.

I’ll continue to watch NEM from a distance, I don’t think I would contribute much anyway.

My NEM won’t start anymore.
Does anyone know how to retreive the privatekey from the *.wlt file (i got the password to it)?

Or does someone recall how we obtained the private key in the redemption process? Did we generate it ourself or did we receive it through the mail. Can’t remember anymore.

Appreciate any help. Thanks.

If you have a .wlt file for the main net and you know your password, you should be good.

Please read here.
