Help I'm not a developer

I’m following the tutorial Setting up your workstation I do not understand what should be done in the network flag part
and save flag

I’m not a developer

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‘Network flag’ is another way of saying ‘network option’, which in this case means the part of the command that looks like: --network. Here the network is set to the Mijin test network, as MIJIN_TEST directly follows the network flag. Remember NEM addresses are created for particular networks, and are not interchangeable with the different networks. These kinds of parameter flags are commonplace in command line interfaces, and just tell the program to expect a value to follow for this particular option.

The --save flag doesn’t require a parameter value, as it’s something you either elect to include or omit. I’m guessing here it’s useful if you intend to continue using the account in the future, so rather than have to explicitly type it for every account command, it will assume you mean the saved account unless specified otherwise.

Hope that helps a bit!

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