Please bear with me regarding my problem with LYL coins / NanoWallet
first picture
- shows my android app NEM Wallet account
- shows the dashboard wherein a transaction was made 9/3/2018… it was
actually a completed transfer of LYL coins that I’ve purchased since ICO…
another transaction done by one of your telegram admins wherein he transferred
.05 XEM to my account while troubleshooting this predicament
second picture - shows a verified successful transaction using explorer.ournem.com
third picture - this shows my desktop client NanoWallet wherein since the time
that transaction was confirmed until latest timestamp at bottom right corner
shows that I’m not seeing my LYL nor the XEM transferred into my account
Note the following:
- node is green, have tried different nodes for many number of times
- tried re-downloading the NanoWallet client app, even the 32bit version
- tried and retried importing wallet file and/or creating a wallet using private key
- up until the time of this writing, nothing shows…
It seems that I’m the only one experiencing such a problem. I’m not a newbie nor
am I technologically challenged. However this problem is not only frustrating but
is testing mypatience as well.
Kindly advise as to what else must I need to do. Thanks