Help please recover my wallet [SOLVED]

Please create second wallet and check how name displays. Is it also with. Wlt extension?

Could you also copy-paste error from popup when put password?

Sorry, I took so long. I got blocked out because I am new to this forum. Had to resign up.

I created the second wallet and it did not add .wlt

The error for the password is when I push the Enter button on my keyboard. The open button on the screen does not turn yellow.

When you put wrong password for this new one wallet you have also same error?

The open button turns yellow and different error code

This just popped up.

Just ignore this popup.
Please change. Wlt file from Only+God.wlt to Only+God
In simple words remove .wlt from end of file name

And try again

YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!! I can not thank you enough!!! Thank you

I’m glad your XEM are safe:)
Have a nice day!