Hi there

Hello everyone.

I have been watching nem for a while now, invested in some nemstake, not enough tough,
cant wait for the official release :slight_smile:

I am an experienced web developer, i code mainly in php, I am a database freak, mostly interrested in distributed databases - big data stuff

and actually i was thinking about coding an blockchain explorer for NEM. ( once its released, i can do most of the work now tough )
I have been silently working on the UI for this, will maybe post some screenshots soon.

Anyway, to a bright future for NEM!

Shadow hide you.

Hello everyone.

I have been watching nem for a while now, invested in some nemstake, not enough tough,
cant wait for the official release :)

I am an experienced web developer, i code mainly in php, I am a database freak, mostly interrested in distributed databases - big data stuff

and actually i was thinking about coding an blockchain explorer for NEM. ( once its released, i can do most of the work now tough )
I have been silently working on the UI for this, will maybe post some screenshots soon.

Anyway, to a bright future for NEM!

Shadow hide you.

hi greyfox.

welcome to nem and glad to hear about your block explorer. great news and look forward to seeing the screen shots.

you should join trello.

Trello board NEM Ecosystem - https://trello.com/b/9psFZ0aQ/nem-ecosystem.

you will find some other developers there too.

also the api is already available so you should be able to foreword with that. not sure where the link is but someone will know on trello or ask on the main nem thread.


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Yes, please join the card at https://trello.com/c/a9FL72Q7/47-nem-blockchain-explorer

Hello everyone.

I have been watching nem for a while now, invested in some nemstake, not enough tough,
cant wait for the official release :)

I am an experienced web developer, i code mainly in php, I am a database freak, mostly interrested in distributed databases - big data stuff

and actually i was thinking about coding an blockchain explorer for NEM. ( once its released, i can do most of the work now tough )
I have been silently working on the UI for this, will maybe post some screenshots soon.

Anyway, to a bright future for NEM!

Shadow hide you.

Don't let your shadow hide you. ;-) Register your name in trello and post it here so that we can include you. Thanks.

Welcome to NEM GreyFox. Looking forward to seeing the blockchain explorer.  :wink:

Hello everyone.

I have been watching nem for a while now, invested in some nemstake, not enough tough,
cant wait for the official release :)

I am an experienced web developer, i code mainly in php, I am a database freak, mostly interrested in distributed databases - big data stuff

and actually i was thinking about coding an blockchain explorer for NEM. ( once its released, i can do most of the work now tough )
I have been silently working on the UI for this, will maybe post some screenshots soon.

Anyway, to a bright future for NEM!

Shadow hide you.

Our blockexplorer is pretty much done but I'd be interested to see the GUI you came up with as we're looking for a better design :)

Basically now it looks like this, consider this a rough draft ( no data yet ):

background + 2 basic windows

my idea was to have an API Server ( that is open to the public and free to use ) with a normal REST API and an Websocket Server for real-time updates,
If you open in it in the browser its basically just a a javascript "app" that connects to this Server,

The GUI s completely drawn with javascript, ( no images ) If you open it the first time its just a search box on TOP, where useres can enter addresses, txids, …, and then a new output window appears on screen with the desired info, you could also just draw a new output window by just left clicking in a free area and drawing a new output window. output windows behave like normal gui windows, you will be able to close, resize, mininmize, maximize them.

I also want to add different datasources than just the nem blockchain, e.g. exchange rates…

The idea is just that users will be able to view many different datasets simultaniously, combine that with realtime updates and you got a kickass block explorer.

Not sure if i can contribute much to the "official" nem explorer, will look into the sourcecode tough, but maybe its good to have an official, opensource, reference explorer and some other alternatives.

Shadow hide you.

Here is the repository for our block chain explorer: https://github.com/NewEconomyMovement/blockexplorer

NIS has a REST interface, so we pull in data from that and store in redis. Web server uses python tornado.

We besically built exactly what you are describing :slight_smile:
Except for the exchange data obviously.

You're moch up is well…abstract :slight_smile: Can't really make much of it.

Please post some updates as you make progress. I'm curious to see more.

Please post some updates as you make progress. I'm curious to see more.

Not a whole lot to post, I have been working on the backend mostly.
I can share the current GUI with you guys.
The idea is to make a Dashboard that is customizable and can display all the infos of the backend-blockchain explorer, as well as some other data that is interresting for nem users.
This will give you an idea of how the UI will work:
click and draw
It dosnt fetch any data yet but you should get the idea.
Your browser will need canvas + localstorage support.
Probably dosnt work well on mobile devices (now).

everything is drawn with javascript, no images or stuff.
dont try to deobfusicate the javascript code, just dont.

Hey Grey Fox I sent you a PM. ;D