How do yo remove a cosigner


I'll try to update nickel and answer your question.

(nickel shows documentation in a bit dumb way, but that is actually argparse module problem, the key to remember is that positional arguments goes ALWAYS before optional arguments)

remebmer to set [tt]CURRENT_NETWORK_VERSION[/tt] to main net if you want to use it there


    [li][tt]f7008a0b38f188da95fd72603a57b3f34d8052b37f520f2e14b13e5945f2d17f [/tt] - PRIV KEY of an account that we're gonna turn to multisig[/li]
    [li][tt]5e061fce6dc017ce54db28c142409eb0df03b6db6f32a711a0417383be0e43b5[/tt] - public KEY of an account that we're gonna turn to multisig[/li]
    [li][tt]tbzkwi-rtvs4m-7onmgs-vhtmhu-hncv4p-7y2xuz-r6gi[/tt] - address of an account that we're gonna turn to multisig[/li]
    [li]public keys of cosignatories:
    [list type=lower-alpha]
    [li][tt]b7040949194a87de04326879db892786847dad54c2b65659186192864dc9332c[/tt] – A[/li]
    [li][tt]a3f8beae0fd7daf3e5708718d7c7fd11c01879618b34a0da276218c38e2c3044[/tt] – B[/li]
    [li][tt]086c8dc30fe777ec3b58371c22477608c2b163b085ecc2f2840591973efcb455[/tt] – C[/li]

    [li][tt]5a5d16bce47a4bfdf7478330f9ed698026eb930e50f46597392f66d5346e49e1[/tt] - B's PRIV key [/li]

    STEP one, we have:
    <br /> multisig-create f7008a0b38f188da95fd72603a57b3f34d8052b37f520f2e14b13e5945f2d17f \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; --add b7040949194a87de04326879db892786847dad54c2b65659186192864dc9332c \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; a3f8beae0fd7daf3e5708718d7c7fd11c01879618b34a0da276218c38e2c3044 \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 086c8dc30fe777ec3b58371c22477608c2b163b085ecc2f2840591973efcb455<br /><br /> [+] PREPARING MULTISIG CREATE<br /> [+] TRYING TO SIGN PREPARED DATA<br /> [+] ANNOUNCED<br />{<br />&nbsp; &quot;type&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;message&quot;: &quot;SUCCESS&quot;,<br />&nbsp; &quot;code&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;innerTransactionHash&quot;: {},<br />&nbsp; &quot;transactionHash&quot;: {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;data&quot;: &quot;5c90d21ec6c35af5e54acf2e32186e48c6ffdbb4f073945482830f99f9ebb7de&quot;<br />&nbsp; }<br />}<br />

    STEP two: as B, we're gonna innitiate removal of C (need C's publick key and A's public key):

    <br /> multisig-modification 5a5d16bce47a4bfdf7478330f9ed698026eb930e50f46597392f66d5346e49e1 \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 5e061fce6dc017ce54db28c142409eb0df03b6db6f32a711a0417383be0e43b5 \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; --rem 086c8dc30fe777ec3b58371c22477608c2b163b085ecc2f2840591973efcb455<br /><br /> [+] PREPARING MULTISIG MODIFICATION REMOVAL<br /> [+] TRYING TO SIGN PREPARED DATA<br /> [+] ANNOUNCED<br />{<br />&nbsp; &quot;type&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;message&quot;: &quot;SUCCESS&quot;,<br />&nbsp; &quot;code&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;innerTransactionHash&quot;: {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;data&quot;: &quot;9ec9c781a17f8e23b1a1bcdcd67e61f4f016e2e2731193856bb9d485477f36d9&quot;<br />&nbsp; },<br />&nbsp; &quot;transactionHash&quot;: {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;data&quot;: &quot;05f78c4d89a2b41c60fcace4afc3590b3fcb1151f49a5ee25bc91e342a22f594&quot;<br />&nbsp; }<br />}<br />

    STEP three: B must cosign (that can be also done from NCC UI, although I'm not sure how/if UI will show the TX):
    (last argument is innerHash returned by call in step2)

    <br /> multisig-signature SUPERSECRETPRIVKEYofB \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; tbzkwirtvs4m7onmgsvhtmhuhncv4p7y2xuzr6gi \<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 9ec9c781a17f8e23b1a1bcdcd67e61f4f016e2e2731193856bb9d485477f36d9<br /><br /> [+] PREPARING MULTISIG SIGNATURE<br /> [+] TRYING TO SIGN PREPARED DATA<br /> [+] ANNOUNCED<br />{<br />&nbsp; &quot;type&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;message&quot;: &quot;SUCCESS&quot;,<br />&nbsp; &quot;code&quot;: 1,<br />&nbsp; &quot;innerTransactionHash&quot;: {},<br />&nbsp; &quot;transactionHash&quot;: {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &quot;data&quot;: &quot;cbae02c0458f5a7120bdd9f8e2c61ed56dd24791f7e71ec2758e1ee44b4ac488&quot;<br />&nbsp; }<br />}<br />

Thanks it worked, but in removing cosigner C, it required the signature of cosigner C and the same when removing cosigner B
It is requiring the signature of the account being removed

I'm pretty sure it does not…

edit: can you point me to a tx in either test net or main net?

Would be cool if NCC is able to do it too :smiley:

@firefighter: we are working on that :slight_smile:

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@firefighter: we are working on that :)
