How long to wait for delegated harvesting rewards before switching nodes?

How long should I wait to see XYM delegated harvesting in Symbol wallet? If a nodes importance rating is to low or they have NO ROOM for another harvester, how do I know without spending 12+ XYM each time I change? My current node activated in the wallet almost immediately but after three days is zero. What do the “E” and “P” columns on the nodes list page mean?

The time between harvested blocks it’s random but depends on your account importance, an account with 3m XYM harvests about 4 blocks per day on average, do your math.

There’s no such thing as node importance.
I don’t think currently there are nodes with no room for harvesters.
E and P columns are respectively finalization epoch and finalization points, you can safely ignore them.
In Symbol node list just look at the Height column, if it’s green everything it’s ok with the node.

If you want to know if your account is actually harvesting on a node go to http://node_name_or_ip:3000/node/unlockedaccount you’ll see a list of public keys, verifiy your linked public key is in that list.

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If you find one of your public keys it’s just ok.

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I’m curious why the two times I’ve changed harvesting nodes, the deducted XYM fees are not listed in my Symbol wallet history? The wallet balance is reduced but no record is listed?

Is visible. Just click details of aggregate transaction.