How much xem do i need in my wallet to start delegated harvesting?

hi i just recently found out about NEM and i wanted to try delegated harvesting. how much XEM do i need to have in my wallet to be able to start? thanks


i tried clicking ‘delegated harvesting’ from the community client but is says i will have to send like 10 XEM for fees. and local harvesting needs 10,000 XEM so i guess i will just do with delegated harvesting in the meantime. i am still trying to buy XEMs but if any good stranger here would be kind enough to toss me a few XEMs here is my wallet address : NDFQZI-42JHDP-R6RY7D-OLDJEN-YMBELA-6IYBUJ-CPVV.
thanks so much

You need 10 000 XEM Vested and about 10 XEM to activate delegated harvesting. XEM vests at a rate of 10% of your unvested balance per day. So with 100k XEM you can start harvesting after 24 hours, with 10k XEM you need to wait a month until all 10k XEM become Vested.

thanks spider. i dont have enough XEM. is that the reason why i get :

“error 699 : harvesting limit hit on local host.” ?

how do i fix this? or is it because of something else.

Try another NIS, each NIS has a limit of delegate harvesting.

How much result can I expect per one day of harvesting?

You can see all the blocks and fees here. Right now it’s not too much.

How much time does one block take for a normal computer?

Just to add… there is a slight miscommunication I feel in the documentation.The 2015 document titled “How Local and Delegated Harvesting Works” makes it sound like you only need 10,000 XEM in your wallet to harvest right away… But this is not the case. You need 10,000 XEM “vested” to be able to start harvesting.

The missing part is that the doc does not tell you that vesting takes place at 10% per day… so if you only have 10,000 XEM it will be about 50-60 days before you can harvest the wallet amount of 10,000 (if you never add anymore).

However if you have 100,000 XEM (10 times the amount listed in the document)- then after 1 day… 10% of your 100,000 would be vested and you would be able to harvest.

It leads a person to think they ONLY need 10,000 XEM in possession to start harvesting…but this is not exactly true as it takes 10% of the wallet balance up to 10,000 XEM to vest. You cannot harvest with less than 10,000 XEM vested.

There is a calculator here to help figure up the number of days it would take to vest 10,000 XEM with other wallet amounts. The document leads a person to think they only need 10,000 XEM… no, you need 10,000 XEM “vested” and that takes time before harvesting begins.