How to identify the buyer (trans. sender) of node event res (Received confirmed transaction) > func(res)


How to identify the buyer? addr or other unique id
for online store

signer is the account that innitiated the tx. So if the buyer send the tx that is who the buyer is.

how convert “signer” to addr
"signer" string 0000000000843f391e6485c5172b0e1332bf0032b04c4abe23822754214caec3

addr (in wallet) string TDEK3D-OKN54X-WEVUNX-JOLWDJ-MYEF2G-7HPK2L-RU5W

Did you get the solution to this question?
Of course you can use this API request /account/get/from-public-key?publicKey=0000000000843f391e6485c5172b0e1332bf0032b04c4abe23822754214caec3

but it’s overhead (you have to make extra API call). How can I calculate it by some function?