How to import Nano wallet to Android Wallet?


I got my wallet on desktop. Then I exported the wallet (got two files .adb and .wlt).
Can I import this wallet on the adroid app ?
How to do that as the app only works with the private key (or QR code of it)?


Hey there alex,

you can use a QR Code yes:

  • in your nanowallet go to the Account page
  • in the “Export to mobile” section on that page you can see a button with Wallet QR (Android and iOS).
  • Scan it with your Android app in the “QR Code” module.
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I guess there is no way to do that via the backed-up keys I have.

Right ok thanks!

Can I do that via Community client?

Hello alex,

the QR Code i mentioned is available in the Nanowallet. So you would need to import the .wlt file into a nanowallet, then scan the QR code of it after login (in Account module).

Not sure about other import possibilities with the Android App. I believe you can input your private key too but it seems more uncomfortable than the QR :slight_smile:

How do you do this in reverse? Exporting from Android into Desktop? I cannot find the .wlt file on my android through windows explorer. I’m thinking that since I started my wallet using my mobile device that the actual wallet is in a root folder, which (my phone is not rooted) I don’t have access to. Any feedback would be awesome.

hey there,

on the android wallet select your account then in the bottom tabs select “More”, then Export Account and it will let you display the private key.

in nano you can then create a private key wallet to restore it.

Awesome. Thank you.

i have started the nano wallet in android, too and i have created a private key wallet to restore my account in my desktop. but it is still not showing anything. If its possible id like to give you a screenshot. it is completely blank…

i am worried that my xem in my android nano wallet will be lost - but im glad that it is still there.

however, i would really want to activate it in my desktop, too.

please advise.

You can post a screenshot. Also you can always send your XEM to a new account you create in nano wallet.

this is what i only see in my nano wallet using my desktop.

thank you so much -

You are not connected to a working node. Click on the red node icon, and select a different node from the dropdown.

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How to Import Your NEM NanoWallet (Mobile Wallet) to Your Desktop Wallet

  1. On the NEM Desktop Client, click “Signup” INSTEAD of “Login” (yes, I know, you already have an account. And no, this process doesn’t create a new account; it will log you into your iOS/Android account once you enter your private key. It’s a blatant app design flaw by the NEM team, which I’m hoping they will fix some time in the future).

  2. On the “signup” page (which isn’t a signup page in this specific case - again, app design flaw), you will see three options: “Simple wallet”, “Brain wallet”, “Private key wallet”. Choose “Private key wallet”.

  3. Name your wallet as you like, enter your private key (which you can find on your mobile app), and type in your password (your 8-20ish character one, as opposed to a 40 word string).

Voila! Now you should see the same data (exact same wallet) on your desktop as on your mobile.

Hope that helps!

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I could not figure out how to get my new wallet on my phone into my desktop nano wallet until I read your post. This was particularly helpful as my mobile phone wallet didn’t display the mosaic that was sent me, but once I had it in my desktop wallet then I could see it was there.

Thank You!

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