How to increase Importance of account to the NEM cloud?


do you have any idea how much XEM you should have vested to increase your Importance of account to the NEM cloud (at least from 0 ‱ to 1 ‱ and more) + how often you should get a contribution or send XEM to somewhere else? Sending and reciving money regardin the POI idea.

Is there any available XEM harvesting calculator?

I believe the importance is going to be related to how much NEM you have vested. You need at least 100k in NEM in your account to start harvesting blocks. Also, the vesting takes time. It has taken over two weeks for my account to be almost fully vested.

Importance is increased by “economic activity” but i doubt earnings from harvesting with increased importance will pay for fees to increase your importance.

Cloud computing is that the way forward for the accounting industry.While traditional IT frameworks can prevent an accounting firm’s ability to figure productively, a custom cloud arrangement can provide correct security privileges, data backup, and better control, helping accounting firms to diversify their business initiatives.

Cloud accounting software is analogous to traditional, on-premises, or self-install accounting software, only the accounting software is hosted on remote servers, almost like the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. Data is shipped into “the cloud,” where it’s processed and returned to the user. Learn more about cloud computing and its use in different sector.