How to start harvesting locally?

I’m a bit of a noob with the Nano Wallet so maybe I am doing something wrong here. Hence my querstion :slight_smile: I have downloaded the Nano Wallet on my laptop and transferred some XEM to it. I have selected a node in the nodes list and left the laptop on for some 24 hours in total now. I cannot see any harvested blocks up till now though. Am I doing something wrong here, should I wait some more? Should I not have a node selected but the local host to start harvesting?

Appreciate any support.

Regards Pieter

Many people using NanoWallet are doing Remote Harvesting.
If you want to do Local Harvesting, you need to run the program of NIS server on the PC where NanoWallet is installed.
Because this NIS server needs to be running for 24 hours, ordinary people do Remote Harvesting and turn off their PCs.

Either way, there are things to do first. This is the Remote account’s Avevate.
This will take about 6 hours from activation to valid.
After that, we will request NIS to the server to request harvesting.
If the NIS server is local, it becomes Local Harvesting, and if you select a server on the Internet, it becomes Remote Harvesting.


Dear Muzanashi,
Thank you for your swift reply. Does remote harvesting mean that I have to
select a node from the drop down menu?

Regards Pieter

  1. Activate the Remote account.
    It takes 6 hours to become Active.

  2. Enter the server you want to delegate or select from the pull-down menu.
    For local harvesting, you can also enter localhost.
    For remote harvesting, please select from the list.
    At this time, if you select a server that has already filled the reception frame, that message will be displayed.
    Please select the server where the reception frame is free and select it.
    After that, when asking for harvesting, harvest will be started.

However, if the delegated server is restarted etc., the harvesting will be canceled, so please check it from time to time.

Dear Mizunashi,
Thanks again for your swift reply. My vested balance is still 0 XEM. How
can I get the vested XEM up to 10.000 to activate the option you described
in your previous email?

Regards Pieter

First of all, we have to put in 10,000 XEM or more wallet.
However, harvesting can not be done unless Vested balance exceeds 10,000.

The balance and Vested balance are not the same, so you need to be careful.

By using the following site, you can calculate the number of days over which Vested balance exceeds 10,000 by entering the current balance and Vested balance. The one with as much Balance as possible will be 10,000 sooner.


Dear Mizunashi,
Thank you. Your assistance has been most helpful.

Regards Pieter

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