I am going to lay it down for the progers!

So to code a Blockchain you have around 30 lines of code right?
Well, why does it take 300 lines of code to generate a private key?

So where is the technology?
I mean is it really “technology” or is it social engineering, …


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Please specify your question because right now I don’t know what you talking about.

Well you can code a blockchain with 30 lines of code.
So lulz, how i this being developed on?
Lets face it Blockchain is a very basic concept, its nothing huge, it is not a great creator it is simply 30 lines of code.

As any simple concept can be implemented in couple or thousands lines of code (networking, synchronization, communication, features, API and so on).
Please link to this 30 lines of code :))

Not sure where does this 30line code concept coming from.

Probably such reddit posts https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/401oli/i_made_a_blockchain_in_30_lines_of_code/ :smiley:

There are tutorials online that allow you to make a blockchain in very few lines
I will post the link when I find it.

Well I might be mistaken but I did find one with 200 lines.

In the linked reddit post he sums his statement up with: "The point of the exercise is to highlight that blockchains alone don’t do very much - they need a consensus algorithm and a network, and these things, in turn, need balanced incentives. Bitcoin is much more than just a blockchain."

This is the point, Blockchain has been hyped as a way to remove the incentive coin from each blockchain. A Blockchain is nothing more then a distributed database with error checking. So each part of a cryptocurrency has to allow incentive to mine/secure the network, security from forged transactions and security from interference of developers/owners/governments. All of these things work in tandem to create a viable cryptocurrency. If fungibility is lost, it dies. If security is lost it dies. So writing a ‘blockchain’ in 10 lines of code is doable, but adding in security, incentive and the ability to prevent the main organization running the blockchain to be corrupted are where the real work happens.
Also keep in mind that many projects with only 10-30 lines of code are standing on the shoulders of giants and including libraries that include thousands of lines.


Ok this is interesting to noobs and I guess interested people alike.
I got some other questions but I just want to get back to a bit of a side question I mentioned earlier.
So we have all seen those key generators online, then you download them to your computer, and supposedly generate a totally safe key pair while offline.

The lines of code where huge well over 300 lines in this “script”.

I have two questions:
1.) Why was their so much code?
2.)How can a non programmer seriously trust 300+ lines of code to make them a private key? I mean it might generate a private key then the last line sends a copy out the backdoor via some trojan thing. I may not know a lot about programming or hacking yet I did spend a few weeks on a hacking security forum and from what I can gather, this sort of compromise can be done with ease, especially if the person who owns the computer actually runs the program.

**Just a funny side story- I recently bought a computer and was having issues with windows 10 setting up an admin and basic user account, the guy in the store said “oh just use admin it does not matter if you are the only one ever logging into the computer…”
I said oh ok, then went home and had a bit of a think about it and yeah, it was bad advice and I knew it was its just that I have not been into security on windows 10 so I assumed something had changed, but yeah if your always admin then you run a malicious program, your pretty much installing or running it with admin privileges.
And this was just a month ago, have fun Pawlem and Rin and anyone else involved in security because the landscape, well at least in Australia has a short memory, I could not believe this guy was advising me this. **


I have to say, this discussion is very interesting and enlightening. From build you own ICO in 20mins to build your own block chain in 200 lines. We r continue raising the bar to have better control of technology.