i go to “Manage delegated account of multisignature accounts” in 1 of my cosignatories account.I choose my child account with all the XEM in it, i put my password, click on activate and a red error msg appears at the top right. FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_REMOTE
You appear to be trying to use a delegate account. They used to be called remote accounts. If it’s not that then I got nothing
I don’t get it.
same problem with me , i cant do delegated harvest because i have activated multi-sig
Please post the addresses in question, so someone can help you further.
seriously we need some help from the team supporting us here in the forum .
I cant do delegated harvesting , it says i have multi-sig wallet so its an error !
Help please we are helping Nem to grow , please support
I manage to do it correctly, now is harvesting with my multisignature. I can help you out, please tell me if you are using the last version of nanowallet.
There is a dedicated chat for helping people out with nem issues.
Also I am trying to help you out, but you are giving very little info. If you give us the addresses you are using, then we can look them up on the block explorer, and help you troubleshoot.
Thank you Iogart , i am using this version BETA 1.3.12 .
When i access the delegated harvest option , with the 6 NEM fee ,after entering the PW it says error FAILURE , TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED FOR MULTI SIG.
delegated account key:
delegated public key 3655cb8e40a3c14d8bfc92f6615b0b98c990b557904098a2d308e1d13b5d6aae
Thank you Saul , i will look up the helpdesk you have given.
I am currently using this version BETA 1.3.12 .
When i access the delegated harvest option , with the 6 NEM fee ,after entering the PW it says error FAILURE , TRANSACTION NOT ALLOWED FOR MULTI SIG.
delegated account key:
delegated public key 3655cb8e40a3c14d8bfc92f6615b0b98c990b557904098a2d308e1d13b5d6aae
You have to do it from your other cosignatories? perhaps? How many cosignatories do you have?
I have 2 cosignatories(signers) and 1 child account (bank account with all the XEM). So it wouldn’t allow me to do it with cosignatory 1 but cosignatory 2 was succesful. Try to activate it with your other cosignatories.
Mine already harvest a few blocks so my problem is solved. I think they gotta fix that, you can’t activate delegated with all cosignatories, should be activated with all cosignatories. But my error was different from yours FAILURE_TRANSACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_REMOTE
Are you doing it from “Manage delegated account of multisignature accounts” in services? and from a cosignatory? You can’t activate delegated harvesting from the child account, only from cosignatories.
I corresponded a little with NEM Helpdesk, is still the same situation?
Thank you for the help.
I removed my multisig account , it is now okay to do delegated harvesting.
However i do not feel secure with my account , wish there will be more options for account safety ,or at least a 2fA verification .
Once you convert an account to multisig you can’t undo that, what you mean your removed multisig. You made another account private key you mean.
I can undo multisig with the assigned account , there is an option to remove multi sig.
With Edit a multisignature contract, I recognize that it will return to Normal account by deleting all Signer with Multisignature aggregate modification transaction.
From now on, NanoWallet will have a dedicated setup module to easily protect your account.
It is implemented with 2-of-3 multi-sing.
Make money transfer from NanoWallet -> Confirm and approve it with smartphone(It is a special application, not a mobilewallet).
It will be like sending money can start.
It is not clear what time it will be completed, but I hope to be able to do something good.
That is great , looking forward to it !
This is.