I have over 10,000 XEM in my wallet, but it will not allow me to harvest

I have entered my password, and I keep getting this “FAILURE-IMPORTANCE-TRANSFER-NEEDS-TO-BE-DEACTIVATED” message. What am I doing wrong here?

Sounds like you are trying to active local harvesting with your private key when you have already transferred your importance to a delegated private key which is used for remote harvesting.

Try activating remote harvesting. If you can’t find any free slots try the node @ nemsupernode1.chutai.org.

Is the remote status already set to “ACTIVE”?

“FAILURE_IMPORTANCE_TRANSFER_NEEDS_TO_BE_DEACTIVATED” is generally displayed when you try to make it Active again if it is Active.

If you encounter this problem by transitioning from NCC to NanoWallet,
We recommend Deactivating importance transfer at NCC and activating importance transfer again with NanoWallet.
This is because NCC and NanoWallet have different RemoteAccount (DeligateAccount).

Does this screen shot help at all? Current node is sam.nem.ninja. The node
you mentioned does not show up in my drop-down list.

Please do the harvesting on the screen on the right.

Scroll down to see the menu to select the server.
By entering the password in the password input part of the screen on the right side immediately above you can select the node and start the harvesting.
