I it possible to look up the balance of my wallet on a specific date?

For my tax return, I want to state how much crypto I had on January 1, 2017.
Is there an easy way to find out what my XEM balance was on January 1, 2017? With explorer.ournem.com I can see all my transactions, but I do not see the balance after a transaction. With a lot of work (and chance of errors), I can use all transactions to work out what my balance was on 1 January 2017, but maybe someone of you knows an easier way. Thank you for your response.

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Not via explorer. It shows only current balance.
You need do it manually. Better is add/subtract all transactions after new year.

Some servers have historical data that can be requested, e.g.


You can read about it here:


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Thank you very much BloodyRookie, you saved me a lot of work. I’m almost there. Now I only need to find out which block number we had on January 1, 2017. I think it’s somewhere close to block 910000.

Sorry, that was easy to find out myself: The year 2017 started with block 918569.
See: http://chain.nem.ninja/#/block/918569
Now I know exactly my NEM balance on 1-1-2017.
The Dutch tax authorities want to know the value in Bitcoin and Euros.
So now I only need to find historic exchange rates for NEM.
(I already found the historic rate for Bitcoin to Euro. On 1-1-2017 1 Bitcoin was worth 918 Euro.
I think the price in Bitcoin for 1 XEM was around 0.00000380 on January 1, 2017.)

@BloodyRookie great to know :slight_smile:
Price in BTC you can check here: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nem/ (you can change dates on left). It was around 384 sat.