I lose my nem when I send it

Only recipient (NCRZPBT75WDYL7DXK2MOJMSS64JR7XVH7IH54XJY) can return it. Who is owner of this account?

the problme is I did not type a message and he canceled the transfer

Transaction can’t be canceled. Tokens are on recipient address. If you didn’t include message code required by exchange to process transaction automatically then you must contact with exchange support, provide transaction hash and ask for manually credit this transaction to your account.

Can you plzzz HELP ME???
This morning around 5:38 am (EUROPE) I bought NEM from Litebit.eu and send it to my wallet at cryptopia. After 4 hours I did not get any NEM so I Ask for help on litebit and got this link: http://chain.nem.ninja/#/account/NBQ73BYLVGMO7L2WFG2VVOJHOBWWJKW7D3V7UE4E/0

They said that the order has been received but i will have to wait. It has been 11 hours sinds I placed my order, but still no NEM!!!
Can you guys plzz HELP ME???

Have you transaction id? It will be necessary to contact with Cryptopia and ask for refund. Cryptopia has problems since month with xem deposits and withdraws.

Transaction is should be available somewhere in litebit panel. If they don’t show this you must ask support.

Yes I have order id from Litebit if that’s what you mean
Should i put it in the message that i will send to cryptopia support?

Order id is not what you looking for.
Transaction hash should look like this (example) : 58bdda3362cdaeabac7c0b78cf37af862f8985de4f842c365f6410edecb95018

If you can’t identify it in litebit please tell me time when transaction on litebit was made and amount.

It’s called Public Key right!
I think I found it!!

Not! :slight_smile:
It’s transaction hash. Public key is also 64 length but this is different thing.

you mean my wallet adres then??
Sorry :-((

ehh :slight_smile:
Please give my exact time when transaction was made on litebit and amount I try find it this for you :wink:

Thnx bro! I found it. I send support a message. I hope that they will recover it. It was my last money :frowning:

Ok :slight_smile:
Good luck !

I saw you posting 10 days for reply of Cryptopia. Can i send you a message if I don’t hear nothing from them?
And what is your advice if i get my coins!

My only advice is wait. They are not so fast but Bittrex and Poloniex have slower support.

Ok. Thnx!!

forgot to add message XEM Withdarwal form Cryptopia to Yobit Deposit Message text
txid: a6b36a05798bce41d64550a6f0b35f381f7b4122855fff55fa66c319c2ac1e73

Answered here: Exchange Support. Lost XEM at an exchange? Post here!