Importance of mosaic other than xem question

Hi there,

I have a question that the imporance of mosaic is calcratable or not.
I think ( and hope) it is possible ,because xem is said to be kind a mosaic, but I don’t know which.

If possible, it has very interesting feature compared with other currency tokens.

All of other currency token would be comparable in aspect of the possessing amount of the token
but importance of mosaic would enable belows such as:

  • uniformed evaluating method between accounts in one mosaic.
    it tells which account is more contributed with the mosaic, and make it easy to ranking account.
  • uniformed evaluating method between mosaics.
    it would enable us to know which mosaic is the most circulated or used, and make it easy to ranking mosaics.

I hope your opinion and whether it is possible.