The settlement of XEM is gradually done and compatibility problems are reported.
It is reported that the invoice created on iOS can not be loaded on Android.
To be exact, ‘QR with different format’ appears on Android.
So I compared the QR code of the invoice of iOS, Android, NanoWallet.
The difference is that iOS only has “AMOUNT” content as a string.
Android and NanoWallet are numbers.
Each JSON format
iOS: “amount”: “50000000”,
Android & NanoWallet: “amount”: 50000000,
For this reason Android considers not to load iOS invoice.
In stores and free markets, settlement with XEM is rapidly increasing.
Complaints are coming up from the general public, so please hurry to fix iOS.
When investigating in detail, the compulsory key and arbitrary key are different depending on the implementation.
Again, I think that it is necessary to clarify the JSON format by type.