In NEM, if you issue mosaic with unlocked, will it be possible to lock it later?

On the mosaic change screen of NanoWallet BETA 1.2.2, there is a setting to increase or decrease issue quantity, but there is no item to lock.

Is this the specification of NEM? Or is it not yet implemented in NanoWallet?

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hi. mosaics come in two quantity states.

if “mutable” is checked, you can add or delete extra mosaics. only you can do that.

if “mutable” is unchecked, the amount of that mosaic is fixed and no more can be created or destroyed.

The token of CounterParty can be changed to lock after it is issued by unlocking.
In NEM, is it OK to understand that it is impossible to change after unlocking?

you can choose. yes or no.

some mosaics are fixed supply.

some mosaics can have the amount changed.

when you make a mosaic for the first time, you choose if you want a mosaic with a fixed supply or a supply you can change.

It is possible to change the supply.

Probably, the mutual exchanges are not engaged.
I am not very good at English, so I am very sorry.
I will question the contents again, changing the words.

(“Mutable” is checked) issue mosaic.
Can we change it later (“mutable” is unchecked)?

In other Crypto currencies, I have a question because it is possible to do this.

You can not change what you checked.

Maybe later we could allow checked to change to unchecked. But right now that isn’t possible.

If a big business building on NEM requested checked to unchecked, I can talk to the developers to add it in Catapult.

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