Installing nem node testnet

Hi there.
I try to install my own NEM testnet node with docker from nem-docker
So I have successfully installed docker image and downloaded NanoWallet. I have created wallet (in NanoWallet) and asked for some coins here.
Now I have a wallet with 200 XEM.
But the problem is that when I select a node which is not my localhost in node list in NanoWallet, everything is ok. But when I try to select my node (localhost) I got an error "Error at fetching account data, reason: address must be valid.

Why this happens? I guess that’s because my node is outdate and blocks are not synchronized. Am I right?
And what should I do to solve this problem?

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Also when I want to retrieve info about transaction via api, I get an error.
For example, this transaction
Response of fetching is

{“timeStamp”:107786740,“error”:“Bad Request”,“message”:“Hash was not found in cache”,“status”:400}

But response of fetching data from other node, e.g. (url for transaction is


Hi, Please provide output from
API calls for your local node.

Output of /node/extended-info

{“node”:{“metaData”:{“features”:1,“application”:null,“networkId”:104,“version”:“0.6.96-BETA”,“platform”:“Oracle Corporation (1.8.0_151) on Linux”},“endpoint”:{“protocol”:“http”,“port”:7890,“host”:“”},“identity”:{“name”:“nem-node”,“public-key”:“462ee976890916e54fa825d26bdd0235f5eb5b6a143c199ab0ae5ee9328e08ce”}},“nisInfo”:{“currentTime”:107857492,“application”:“NEM Deploy”,“startTime”:107785184,“version”:“0.6.96-BETA”,“signer”:null}}

Output of /chain/height


Now I see what’s wrong with my node. As I understand “networkId”:104 means my node is connected to mainnet but not testnet. I missed 1 configuration file inside container. Now I have edited this file too and restarted node.
Now I don’t get error “address must be valid” when selecting my localhost node.
But when I select my node from node list balance of my wallet is 0 (other nodes show balance 200 XEM). Also block height in my node is 23811 but it’s increasing. When it’s big enough I’ll be able to see my funds, right?

@hungl yes. It was wrong network to which you were connected.
Node must be fully synchronized. Right now we have on testnet around 1613189 blocks.