Introduce yourself

Thank you so much buddy. Glad to be a part of this community.

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Hi every one. I’m tiensinh3030. I have just joined the NEM. I’m 30 years old. I’m interested in advertising field, specially digital marketing.

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Welcome come here.

Lots of people are much more interested in digital marketing. Thanks for your reply.

Hello all, this is my first post on NEM Forum

Glad to join this awesome community

I’m a NEMBer on NEM Hub now


welcome come here~^^

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¡Hola a todos! Me alegro de ser parte de este foro. Ya he encontrado mucha información útil e interesante.


welcome to NEM

:grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing:

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Hey everyone!

I’m Jason and I’m 29 years old.

Just started learning NEM for my job and would like to share my experience with a team!
Excited to learn how it works!



Welcome to here
:rofl: :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi. I was involved in the NEM world in London back in 2017/18. At that point NEM was losing its way. I’m so pleased to see how you lot have kept the faith and where you got it now. Would have been far more chance it died slowly like a lot of others for. Good for you. 100% impressed.

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Im an owner of Mada Blogs :slight_smile:

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New here

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I am in a NEM community for a year and in the last 8 months I have been publishing NEM related articles in some local crypto sites. I hosted a NEM event and I am looking for other opportunities to promote NEM.


Hello fellow crypto enthusiasts! I dabbled with Bitcoin mining in 2013 but stopped pretty quickly because the cost of doing it was breaking even with the Bitcoin I was earning. I bought in to Bitcoin and some altcoins late in 2017 and have hodled up until late January '21 when I sold off the majority of my cryptocurrency in order to take my profits and prepare for a buying a house.

One cryptocurrency I did not sell was my NEM which I picked up in 2017 because I felt it served a very important purpose. I’m finally diving deeper into NEM and look forward to participating as a NEMber.


p.s. - Looking forward to the launch on March 15th!


Howdy all,

I got into XEM back in August 17’ and just sort of held, I never broke the 10k mark or the 1k mark to harvest so I am just watching it all happen.

Glad to see the uptick in everything, and seeing such a great community has gathered while I was Idle.

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Hi guys! you all can all me Tsui. I am a 32-year-old who is highly interested in learning more about cryptocurrency. Well, I am also planning to invest in a number of coins just to see which will make me earn more profit. I am also eyeing investing for NEM while it is at its great value. I personally do hope that it will do better in the market as it has a lot of features that are really promising. Hope that the other crypto users can also take notice of this. Do you guys have some tips to share?


I am retired. I am in the USA. I do have a lot of thoughts about a lot of things. I am opinionated. I spent 5 years studying and trying to learn Crypto basics. I learned crypto by doing. OH, yes! I did manage to send a few coins into oblivion. I gave up trying to comprehend the hellaciously difficult math of Cryptocurrencies. Instead I have focused on the objectives that each project is trying to solve. I see NEM, Symbol, and, yes, Cardano, as the best of the best. And, that is where my money is: NEM, Symbol & Cardano. I am concerned with the lack of understanding that most people have about what cryptocurrencies, and Blockchains, are all about. Many Folks in the USA still think that cryptos are like tulips, that everything will turn to dust. Their loss. The ones who will be left behind are those who fail to grasp the revolution that is under way as we write. I am usually the one in the group who knows the answer to the question nobody asked.

Symbol to me is a superhighway and superstructure under construction that will support the economy of the future that awaits for us. And we will be ready, and not be left behind.