Key figures in the NEM community

Here is a list of the people of the NEM community that are rigorously working towards a new and better economy.

Core code developers


    More info in the [url=]development plan

    Key contributors


      NEM Media Front

        [li][url=]Facebook: Zoata and Jabo[/li]
        [li][url=]Reddit: okaynow, norti and Taumuon[/li]
        [li][url=]BTT thread: xtester and EFFV [/li]
        [li][url=]Forum: erkki12, Shantell, pheromone[/li]
        [li][url=]Twitter: Makoto[/li]

        There are a lot of other people who contribute to NEM, and it's impossible to list them here. Please look at our [url=]NEM promotion Trello to see our ongoing projects the people who are contributing to them.

        If you want yourself added/removed from the list, or feel that you have been put to the wrong category please contact erkki12.

The development team

Thank you for your efforts, could you make a topic to the chinese section too, thanks. -

Since this is attached to the top, it may need to be updated. Especially after the most recent developments.

Updated. Thanks for noticing!

unless I'm majorly confused borzalom and minusbalancer at not core developers or contributors :slight_smile:

Updated thanks!

If anyone ever wants something tweeted, please PM/contact me.

You know something, I'm sorry Utopian future had to go. I've been reading through some of his past posts and he seemed like a guy with passion and a vision. I know he did wrong a bit but hopefully he can still get involved.

UP was an amazing guy, and he didn't have to go. I think he set himself up so he could move on to something else. What that something is, I don't know.

Can we get him back? Have we tried lately?

A recent update about the dev community.

this needs to be updated

NEM Core Developers
NEM Core Marketers
Periphery Contributors and Developers
Krysto - NCC
Pheromone - NEM forum
Errki12 - NEM forum
Unvoidpl - Web hosting
Saul 'cracker' Gray - Website
JadedJack - Node support
Owon - Key generation
Freigeist - Translation tool
Averagejoe - Testing
Panther03 - Nodes
Rigel - Protocol analysis
Indiana - Linux support
Anas - Graphic design
Tranloi - Design
Brazilian Portuguese - Parana, Lcharles
Bulgarian - Filchef
Chinese (simplified)- Shawn (Xiaoshan Pan)
Chinese (traditional) - 楊 輝彦
Croatian - Freigeist
Czech - Apex
Dutch - Boestin
Finnish - Kauppalahti
French - Chaos514
German - Bloody Rookie, Mixmaster, Brain
Hindi - Iaminitnow06
Italian - Rigel
Japanese - Gulliver
Lithuanian - Martismartis
Polish - Spider
Portuguese - Pinhais
Romanian - Xtester
Russian - Jenea4pda
Slovakian - Apex
Spanish - mess
Ukranian - DIMKAZDS
Vietnamese - Krysto
Organizers, Marketers, Testers, and Helpers
Andme - Russian community development
Effv - marketing
Instacash - network analysis
Zoata87 - Facebook
Stone - NEM Chinese weibo
Elena82 - Russian community development
Shawn Leary - multi-media support
Amy - Press Releases
KkotNEM - Design
"清風 (happy4209) - Chinese NEM Wiki
Thilon aka macroder - QQ admin
六翼の炽天使 (zhankaiwen)

Jabo is this update based on how the XEM just got handed out or based on recent work efforts?  I think it could use some more adjusting :slight_smile:

*dutch translation and marketing

These people deserve the recognition!