Have seen this tweet
I am interested in applying but on Medium and the Tweet there is no link to do so.
If you follow the ‘more info’ links, you’ll see this:
Which leads you on a bit of a chase, but you’ll end up at this form to apply for access:
At least that’s all I could find.
Do you think, some devs can help me build a loyalty program on XEM with catapult?
Sure. Any Javascript dev would be able to help, as you don’t need to learn a NEM-specific language, just hit some node endpoints. All they’d need to do is use the SDK/library (i.e. SDK2 for Catapult).
Thanks csl,
I’m also interested
I applied the early access program for mijin v2 based on the form you provided. However, I got no response from the team and I am unable to test the Mijin_test network.
Please help to provide me the test Url. My email address was thomas.tri.tran@outlook.com