Login problems nem lightwallet

I am new here and I would rather start with helping people, but unfortunately, I have to start with asking help from you guys.
Since the lightwallet update to 1.8 ( around 16 may), I cannot get into my wallet anymore.
I used to follow the normal procedure starting nginx.exe and the go to, choose my host and then I came into the wallet.
Now after choosing the host, I get this same white screen with the two options;
I already have a private key that I want to import
I want to create a brainwallet (password-based)
But when I choose one, I never come into the next screen where I can fill in the password to my wallet.
In the meanwhile I downloaded java 8 and the 1.8 light wallet, but I still don’t come in.
Can anyone give me some help?


Make sure you are using latest version of NIS too if you are using lightwallet locally. Port changed to 7778

[EDIT] Sorry, you are using standalone. Just try changing port to 7778

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Hi Quantum_Mechanics,
Thanks a lot for helping me out. I am in !!!
So, now I see I have a vested balance that is just under my balance. What does that mean exactly, I am kind of staking coins and if so, can I see how much I staked?

Great :slight_smile:

Every 24 or 48 hours (not sure) a part of your balance become vested. When you have 10’000 XEM vested you can start to harvest with your account and get fees included in blocks you discover.

If you are interested http://blog.nem.io/how-to-use-delegated-harvesting/, delegated harvesting is the best way to go :wink: