Looking for a Blockchain journalist / Technical Writer!

We present our contribution to the evolution of blockchain technology: Gravity Protocol — a Graphene based blockchain protocol built on Delegated Proof-of-Importance Consensus with adaptive emission. Our mission is to create is to create unified technical, financial and legal infrastructure to optimize business processes for small and medium businesses using mutually integrated solutions based on blockchain technologies. We’ve already launched the public testnet. You can join it, create a wallet and earn a rewards. You can find more information about us here

Now we are looking for blockchain journalists to work as a Creative Technical Writers. We promise decent themes for your portfolio and high salary. Key activity for this role will be as follows: writing papers about our products, services and tech solutions ranging from general to technical for different target audiences.
More details on the job and a list of topics here: https://gravitypro.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/GP/overview

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