Looking for an hour of consultation

Hi, I’m looking for some help with nem systems design for a project and I’m looking for help. I don’t have a whole lot but I can compensate you in xem or btc for your time.

What kind of contents do you want to know?
If it’s technical content I can answer.
Also, as an idea to utilize mosaics, it is better to discuss with many people.


Hi, thank you for response. It’s about doing transactions on the NEM blockchain and how the transaction happens. I’m trying to create like a payment processing from crypto to fiat and I want to get some validation.

Will you be talking about programming level?
If so, many people are using NEM-sdk.

Almost all functions of the client are available.
Actually, NanoWallet is made using this.

In other languages, various source code such as API Wrapper are available here.

Also, as a separate project, we are also preparing a new library with the goal of allowing anyone to easily develop quickly.
Details can be found here.
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If it is not a program, please let me know.

Thank you.

It’s system diagrams and design. I’ll possibly have some sample code.